Tuesday, June 18, 2013

28 week appointment

I had my 28 week appointment and it went great. Same old same old for the most part. Weight, urine sample and blood pressure done by the nurse then the dr comes in and we talk and he feels my belly and we listen to the heartbeat. My blood pressure is always perfect according to the nurse. The dr felt my belly and said everything is good, he's close to 3 pounds now and everything is measuring well, which is kinda confusing because he doesn't actually measure anything, he just feels, but I guess he can tell just by feeling. We listened to the heartbeat and Jackson was moving all over the place during that and the dr had to keep moving the Doppler thing around to follow him so we could hear his heartbeat. The dr confirmed that I passed my glucose test but that my blood count was a tiny bit low, which is because of low iron I guess, but he said it isn't a big deal, just make sure I'm taking my prenatals and its not necessary for me to take a supplement. He said its very common during pregnancy and not to worry about it. I will try to eat iron rich foods though to try to help that. He also said I've lost weight and he's not concerned with that. As long as the baby is growing and everything is going well he says it would be fine if I didn't gain any weight between now and when I have Jackson. He said my weight isn't really important as long as everything is going well and Jackson is growing. As long as I don't lose or gain a huge amount in a short amount of time of course. I'm sure it looks like I lost more then I really did to them because I always go Tuesday afternoons around 4:30 after work, so after I've had lots of water throughout the day and just hours after I've finished lunch. Today I just had some water before my appointment since it was this morning. When I weigh myself at home I always do it first thing in the morning and I only lost 1 pound since my last appointment. Although I'm sure if I ate healthier I'd probably lose weight every week. But that's not my goal, well eating healthier is, but losing weight isn't. I'll focus on losing weight after I have Jackson. I don't restrict myself at all, I let myself eat what I want. I eat more fast food then I should and I really need to eat more fruits and veggies, but its kinda hard to do that being pregnant. Some days after work I'm just to worn out to cool dinner, fast food is just easier. I do try to have one simi healthy meal a day and its usually lunch (dinner when I close) at work. I have a bagel with cream cheese and fruit or a veggie like carrots and ranch dip. Sometimes I have chips with it. Sometimes I don't eat the fruit or veggie, but I figure its a lot better then some of the other things I could have for lunch. And it's quick and easy.

I can't believe I'm 7 months pregnant. It feels like its gone by so quickly! My baby boy will be here before I know it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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