Friday, June 14, 2013


I thought I had gotten really lucky and avoided heartburn...I was wrong. I guess I figured it started in early pregnancy and could continue though out, but I was not expecting it to start in my third trimester! It started a few days ago and its pretty horrible. I guess I shouldn't complain, since its just staring now, and since I've been really lucky so far with being pregnant-no morning sickness and not really any major symptoms, pretty easy pregnancy so far. But wow. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. One day nothing and then the next I ate (or drank) anything and bam, heartburn. I bought tums today and those seem to help. I've heard that heartburn means my baby will be born with a full head of hair- I guess we'll just have to wait about 11 more weeks and we'll see if that's true!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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