Monday, June 17, 2013

28 weeks!

How far along? 28 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: I lost 1 pound last week, so still down 16 pounds below my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Mostly

Sleep: it had been really good until Thursday night. Thursday and friday I just wasn't able to get comfortable and I was wide awake and my mind was running a mile a minute in the middle of the night. I think I'm starting to worry about things now that's its getting closer-like how tight money will be when I'm on my (unpaid) maternity leave. Saturday and Sunday nights were a little better but not great.

Best moment this week: feeling him more and more. Being able to feel him from the outside. I'm still not sure what I'm feeling (head, butt, back) but its definitely baby! And seeing how strong his movements are getting, it's funny to watch my belly move with his movements. Sometimes I'm like "whoa kid!" But it hasn't been painful yet

Movement: a lot

Food cravings: pomegranate Popsicles. Dr pepper

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In, and still pretty far in too, I have a deep belly button

What I miss: margaritas. I saw an episode of Rachel ray were they made amazing sounding and looking margaritas and it made my mouth water

What I am looking forward to: getting things ready, like washing his clothes, blankets and bedding, packing our hospital bags and of course meeting my baby boy! I'm also looking forward to going to park city for a long 4 day weekend in less then 2 weeks! Early anniversary/babymoon!

Milestones: being 28 weeks pregnant!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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