Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Staying or going?

When Josh took the job here in Utah we were told it would be for the long run. Like 10-15+ years. We'd settle down and buy a house here, we'd raise our children here. Well things might be changing. The company that his company works for is changing their structure and they may or may not choose his company to take over his division. Right now the work is done by a few different companies, like Josh's, and they are going to one source. Which means that they will select one company for each division. If his company gets this division they will hopefully give him a promotion and this division. They potentially could bring in someone above him and that would suck. He works and deserves to move up. The work load would majorly multiply. But if his company doesn't get this division we will be moving. He asked me last night if I would be open to moving, he thinks potentially Colorado, Arizona or Texas if they don't get this division. Of course I'll go wherever we need to go. He should find out sometime at the end if May beginning of June. I wouldn't mind moving to another state and I wouldn't mind staying here. Moving wise it would be much easier to stay here. If we stay here we will be selling our house and buying a new house that better fits the needs of our growing family and my moms needs with her living with us. Her and already look at houses here and can't wait to be able to start looking for real! And to know where we are going to be. Moving out of state would be hard, just the whole aspect of selling our house and moving to a new state, because josh will probably have to be their pretty quickly and we'd still have to sell our house. Thankfully I have my mom!

There's always a chance he could get an offer to go back to CA and I would love that. It would have to be quite an offer with a large pay increase for us to be able to afford to live in CA so I really don't see that happening. I really miss my friends and family and it's really hard raising J away from them. It makes me sad that his birthdays and Christmas's won't be celebrated there with everyone.

It's hard not knowing where we will be in a few months, but it's also exciting. Change is scary, but good!

I'm hoping and praying for the best! Hoping good changes will be happening for a little family!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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