Sunday, January 20, 2013

7 weeks!

It seems to be going so slowly and so quickly at the same time! The days are long, but the weeks are short. I guess that's the best way to explain how it feels right now. Only 2 days until my first ultrasound! I cant wait to see the little bean growing inside of me! And only 8-9 more weeks until I can find if the baby is a he or a she. I find myself calling it her and when I picture the baby I picture a girl. For some reason I think it's a girl. Maybe wishful thinking? Although I'll be happy with either! A place at the hospital does gender checks at 16 weeks for only $30 if your delivering there or at the other nearby hospital. The "boutique" places do it as early as 15 weeks I think, but cost a lot more. I'm not sure what I'll so yet, but if my ultrasound when I can find out the gender isn't until 20 weeks I don't want to wait! I want to know as soon as I can! So if I go at 16 weeks that will be March 24th!

The room that is going to be the babies room has been my sewing/craft room since we moved in almost 2 years ago and it has become my dumping ground for all my stuff. It's a cluttered unorganized mess. So I moved my desk and bookshelves into our bedroom and last weekend I cleaned out a small dresser in our room and some of my stuff in the closet and put clothes that don't fit me into storage boxes. I organized my most of my fabric into the dresser today and started going through and cleaning out and organizing my stuff onto the bookshelves. I'm planning on spending a few hours every weekend (or day off) getting that room cleaned out. Getting my new little crafting/sewing area organized and throwing things out. I tend to hold onto things and think everything is important to keep. Like my work shirts from when I worked at T-mobile 4+ years ago...yep. Found them in a box of clothes today. And into the trash they went! There's a lot of stuff I know I need to get rid of so slowly but surely I'm hoping to de-clutter and get organized! And then I can start setting things up in the babies room! I have a big bookcase from ikea

That I plan on using in the nursery. I'm going to get some baskets/storage boxes for some of the shelves, and display toys and books and stuff on open shelves. We already have a crib and there is a daybed in the room that I'd like to keep but I need to get the book shelf and crib set up to see if there's enough room for the bed plus a glider/rocker. The bookcase is black but the bed is white and I want to paint the crib white (it's a really light wood color). I'm not sure I'm going to love the bookcase being black. It's still in the boxes though so I'm considering exchanging it for white. I plan on doing gray walls so maybe I could leave the bookcase as is and just use white storage baskets? I don't know. I still have plenty of time to figure it all out. And if we happen to find out we're having twins (which I highly doubt) I'm thinking we'll just return the bookshelf and get 2 cribs from ikea!

So I still really haven't been having many symptoms. A little bit of queasiness here and there, tiredness (but not too bad yet). My boobs on the other hand are SO unbelievably sore. My nipples hurt. I sleep on my side/stomach and if I lay on my boobs it hurts so bad. I've been wanting unhealthy food. Fast food, a burger and fries is so good. But restaurant food and food I used to cook and enjoy just doesn't taste the same, it's just not very good, except spaghetti is yummy and good thing josh loves it to. I really want to try to make an effort to eat healthier. I plan on stocking up on fruit when I go to the grocery store this week and eating that throughout the day. Maybe get bagel thins and cream cheese for lunches at work to have with fruit. It's so hard to figure out what to take to work for lunch. Nothing sounds good so I've been having top ramen. I snack on whatever cheddar cheese its to keep from getting nauseous. And I have one craving so far - orange juice. I've always enjoyed orange juice once in a while but we never buy it because I'd have a glass or 2 and then it would go bad sitting in the fridge, but know its just so good. I have a glass every morning and when I don't I think about it and crave it until I have a glass. I even stopped and got some on my way to work one day because I didn't have any that morning and I was craving it so bad. This is making me want some right now. I also had something that didn't agree with me. The grocery store by more work has these cheese balls that are really good so I got one and some crackers and after eating some I felt sick. Like I was going to puke, I didn't though, but I felt icky for most of the rest of the day.

I guess that's it for now! Until I get to see my little bean on Tuesday!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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