Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More real!

Since we saw the little bean on the ultrasound yesterday, saw and heard its healthy heartbeat, its so much more real. There's a little person growing in there!!! Granted it just looks like a little blob with a tiny flickering heart, its still a perfect little bean that's going to grow into a perfect little baby! When we heard the heartbeat I looked at Josh's face and he was just staring at the ultrasound screen in awe. It was so cute! I think he realized "holy shit there's seriously a baby in there". I'm sure he'll it'll become even more real at the next ultrasound in 2 weeks because the dr said it'll look more like a baby. It'll have little arm and leg buds and well be able to see it moving around! I'm so excited for that! That's one good thing about going to a fertility clinic-you have more ultrasounds early and get to see the little bean growing! So exciting. I made my first OB appointment for Feb 12th and I'm not sure if the OB will do an ultrasound before 20 weeks since I will have already had 2 when I start seeing him? If not then I'll have to wait until I'm 16 weeks to go have the gender ultrasound!

After the ultrasound yesterday morning we went to the grocery store and I stocked up on some healthier meals to take to work for lunches. I've been eating kinda crappy the past few weeks because I was wanting fast food cheeseburgers and fries so I'm trying to eat healthier! I got grapes, strawberries, bagels, cream cheese and yogurt. I made lasagna for dinner last night and while it was cooking I washed the grapes and strawberries and divided them into sandwich bags, I put the bagels into separate sandwich bags, I had enough (fruit an yogurts) to make lunches/dinners for work for the rest of the week (4) I packed each lunch into a grocery bag and put them in the fridge so when I leave for work I can just grab one and go! This morning I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast and when I got hungry at work I had my grapes and then I had the yogurt, strawberries and bagel for lunch! It was SO yummy! And I feel good for eating healthier! And I think the fruit is already helping with the constipation issue! So yay!

Later that day I went on a work errand with josh and then we went to sees candy and there was a babies r us in the same parking lot and we went in there to look around Josh was pretty overwhelmed! He really has no clue about baby stuff! And a lot has changed since I was a nanny and since my niece and nephew where born! We were looking at cars seats and I was like "come over here, lets look at the infant seats" and he was like "wait, there's different car seats? You have to buy another one when there older?" And I had to explain the whole infant seat stroller travel system and how it works and why. I think he's still a little confused. I definitely plan on getting a car seat stroller travel system and he said "but if you get that then you need to get a whole new one when they get too big for the infant seat?" And I tried to explain that you get a new at seat that stays in the car and then just use the stroller without the infant seat, but I don't think he was understanding it! He thought you had to buy a new stroller too when they outgrow the infant seat! It was pretty funny! I looked at the pack and plays and they have come a long way! I think I want one instead of a bassinet to put in our room. There's one that has a bassinet/rocker seat that you can use alone or on the pack and play and it had a changing station!

I also think I'm going to cloth diaper. My cousin is doing it and she's liking it so far. It's just so much cheaper then disposables. And better for the environment. I'm going to attempt to make one and send it to my cousin to test out! If it works well I will make most of mine, but also buy a few.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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