Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The little things

Sometimes it's the littlest things that make me happy. I drink a lot of water. I mean A LOT. Even pre-pregnancy. When I don't drink enough water I get headaches. I'm really trying to do what I can to avoid headaches now that I'm pregnant because I don't want to take anything (and apparently You can't buy Tylenol anymore? I had no idea until I was at Walmart and was going to pick some up to have on hand in case I need it but there was none. So now I need to ask what I can take). Anyways...I used to drink a big bottle of smart water (I think it's 33.8 fluid oz.) when I was at work and now I find myself finishing that and needing more during my workday. So I started taking a second smaller bottle of water to work too. I'm just so thirsty and crave cold water. I usually reuse the bottle a few times because our fridge has a filter so I fill it about 1/3 way and freeze overnight, then fill it the rest of the way when I leave for work so I have nice cold water all day. Well I decided to look for a new water bottle that I could take to work. I looked at target today and found an awesome one! I could probably do without the handle.

It has a straw thing on the top

And a thing that screws into the bottom of the lid that you freeze to keep it cold (I probably won't use that though, I'll probably just use ice). It's big, but not huge and it hold something like 56 oz! Awesome! And it was under $9! This seriously makes me so happy!

And I really think I'm feeling stretching or something (maybe like round ligament pain?) it's only when I cough or sneeze or stretch a certain way that I can feel it and I think it's too early for it, but I'm seriously feeling it. Weird.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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