Thursday, January 3, 2013

Blood draw

So yesterday morning I had my blood draw to see if I'm pregnant! I took the last digital test that morning and saw "pregnant" across the screen for the third time! I went in at 8 am before work. I told the nurse that I think I am pregnant. That I've tested a few times and it was positive. She said that's great but, sometimes your hormone levels are high enough to get a positive test but not high enough to sustain a pregnancy. When the analyze the blood if the numbers (what ever numbers there looking at I have no idea) are low that's probably the case and they'll have me come back in ever few days as the numbers go back down to 0, if the numbers are good then we'll schedule my first OB ultrasound with them. After the first ultrasound they will release me to a normal OB. So I was nervous. I KNEW I was pregnant, but then I starting thinking that maybe I was wrong? She said she'd call me that afternoon as soon as she got the results (I asked if to please leave the results on my voicemail if I didn't answer). I went to work and kept checking my phone all morning even though I knew I wouldn't get the call until after noon. She called close to 12:30 and I missed the call. I had just gone to lunch when I saw that I had missed the call. I listened to the message which said "you were right! Congratulations your pregnant!" and then to call her to schedule my first OB ultrasound. So I called right back and made the appointment for Jan 22 at 8:30 am! They do the ultrasound at 7 weeks! I can't wait to see our little baby (even though it won't look like a baby yet!). Josh is excited and took me out to dinner last night to celebrate.

Symptoms : I have to pee ALL the time. Heightened sense of smell, I find myself breathing through my mouth often because I get a whiff of a smell that doesn't agree with me. It doesn't quite make me nauseous, but it really bothers me. I'm craving, and loving, orange juice. Foods don't taste the same, like foods I normally enjoy and I'm excited to eat just taste not so great. Instead of finishing the meal thinking "mmmm, that was so good" I'm thinking "that was ok I guess". I'll feel hungry but nothing really sounds good, except orange juice.

I've been eating healthier and I found a V8 drink that is pretty good, it's sparkling pomegranate black cherry (I think) and it has 1 serving of fruits and veggies. I usually have one of those with lunch. I've been trying to have a fruit smoothie every morning for breakfast. I put milk, low fat vanilla yogurt, frozen fruit (I like berry mixes, right now it's a blackberry, blueberry, raspberry mix), and I've been throwing in some baby spinach leaves. The first time I did it I only added a little, but you can even taste it so now I'm adding more! I just throw it all into the magic bullet and blend it for a few minutes. It's yummy and healthy! I also got the pre cut apples that are already divided up into bags, for kids lunches, because I done like eating a whole apple off the core, I like slices and for me it's just easy and convenient. I'm also loving white cheddar cheese-its. I keep a baggie of them in my locker at work and when I'm hungry I just go snack on those. I also used to be big on having candy and so now I try to snack on those instead, I know they probably aren't the best thing to eat, but better then candy or chips. I haven't had coffee in 2 weeks. I really thought that was going to be the hardest thing for me because I LOVE coffee. I even looked up info online and most health care professions say you can have a cup of coffee a day during pregnancy and I thought I would, but it just doesn't really appeal to me anymore. I have had vitamin water a few times and I want to check with the doctor to make sure that's ok. But mainly I just stick to water. I love water. When we go out to eat though I have been enjoying non-alcoholic drinks that I normally wouldn't get because I'd be drinking alcohol. I've had some yummy flavored lemonades and other fun drinks! Last night I had a cherry limeade and it was so good! I do limit myself to one and get water too.

Going by when I had my IUI I'm 4 weeks 4 days pregnant and the baby is the size of an orange seed!

I find myself calling the baby "her". I just have a feeling I guess, but as much as I would love to have a baby girl I will be happy with either a boy or a girl! In the end I want (at least) one of each!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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