I had my OB appointment today, I was supposed to go next week but since we'll be in CA I went a week early. I was given the option to go a week early or a week later and I chose early. I figured I'd want reassurance that everything's fine before I went home to CA for a week. I know its not going that far away and we're driving not flying, but I wanted reassurance (to hear his heart beat) before I left.
The nurse took my blood pressure, the dr felt my stomach (to measure my uterus) and I was amazed at how high up the top of my uterus is! I mean duh, common sense, but I was surprised. He says its measuring perfect, then we listened to the heart beat on the Doppler (I love hearing it!) it was strong and perfect! He said everything look great. He gave me the glucose drink and gave me instructions for that for my next appointment in 4 weeks. And that was it. Quick, easy appointment. I really feel blessed and lucky at how easy this pregnancy has been. After trying for so long to have this little baby I guess I just assumed that I'd have a difficult, or maybe just not so comfortable, pregnancy. I figured I'd have morning sickness and gain too much weight to quickly, and all other common, but uncomfortable, pregnancy symptoms. So I'm hoping and praying that the second half is just as easy and uncomplicated as the first half.
I am trying to eat healthier because I have been eating pretty bad. In the beginning I did pretty good, but I started eating more and more fast food, like practically every day, and that's bad. Even though I haven't gained weight, I want to eat healthier. I really need to limit fast food and eat more fruits and veggies. I've also been really struggling with dinner. I used to be so good- come up with a plan for the week, get everything at the store, make and freeze and freezer meals I planned on making for the week, and then each night I'd make the planned dinner. But ever since I was sick a few weeks ago I haven't been able to get back into the swing of making dinners. I've been so bad. And this week we're leaving Friday morning for CA and josh has had to work nights the past 2 nights and i work late the next 2 nights so I didn't really even bother this week. As soon we get back from CA I plan on getting back into the swing if making dinners and eating healthier. At least lunches have been better this week. I've been having carrots and celery with ranch dip and strawberries and watermelon. I need to figure out something to add to keep me full longer. Maybe a protein and carb.
I'm so excited to be heading to CA at the end of the week! We're going to wedding on Saturday and then my mom and best friend are throwing me a baby shower on Sunday! I'm super excited about that! And then josh flys home Monday and I'll stay until Thursday. Then I'll drive back with my mom and she'll stay here for the weekend to go shopping for baby Jackson and work on his room! I can't wait!
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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
21 weeks!!!
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I apparently can't do math...the past few weeks I think I've been saying I was still down 16 lbs...well I actually only gained back 2 of the 20 lbs after having the stomach flu so I've actually been down 18 lbs. My weight has stayed at that for quite a while now
Maternity clothes? Still the same, not really necessary yet but when I buy cloths I try to buy maternity so I can wear it throughout my whole pregnancy
Sleep: usually pretty good, other then having to get up to pee a lot (like 3-5+ times a night).
Best moment this week: feeling Jackson move!!!
Movement: yes! I am finally feeling him move! It's not very often yet, but tonight after dinner is the most I've felt him so far! He was moving all around! It's so neat!
Food cravings: cheddar and sour cream chips.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: I've been missing sushi SO bad!
What I am looking forward to: feeling Jackson move more (stronger), josh being able to feel him. Going home to CA this weekend for a wedding and my baby shower! I can't wait to see my family and friends!
Milestones: Feeling Jackson move!

And here's a set of onesies I couldn't resist buying for my little guy! They are so cute!!!

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Total weight gain/loss: I apparently can't do math...the past few weeks I think I've been saying I was still down 16 lbs...well I actually only gained back 2 of the 20 lbs after having the stomach flu so I've actually been down 18 lbs. My weight has stayed at that for quite a while now
Maternity clothes? Still the same, not really necessary yet but when I buy cloths I try to buy maternity so I can wear it throughout my whole pregnancy
Sleep: usually pretty good, other then having to get up to pee a lot (like 3-5+ times a night).
Best moment this week: feeling Jackson move!!!
Movement: yes! I am finally feeling him move! It's not very often yet, but tonight after dinner is the most I've felt him so far! He was moving all around! It's so neat!
Food cravings: cheddar and sour cream chips.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: nope
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: I've been missing sushi SO bad!
What I am looking forward to: feeling Jackson move more (stronger), josh being able to feel him. Going home to CA this weekend for a wedding and my baby shower! I can't wait to see my family and friends!
Milestones: Feeling Jackson move!
And here's a set of onesies I couldn't resist buying for my little guy! They are so cute!!!
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Thursday, April 25, 2013
Baby kicks
I think I might have felt Jackson kick last night! I was sitting on the couch watching TV and felt what I can only think to describe as a tap, as I was thinking "whoa, what was that, could it have been...???" I felt a second tap in the same place. I've felt what could be flutters (or gas) a few times, but this was definitely something! I'm not convinced until I start feeling more regularly, but I'm hoping its the start if feeling Jackson moving around in there!!!
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Half way!
How far along? 20 weeks!!! Half way
Total weight gain/loss: still down about 16 pounds
Maternity clothes? Same. I went shopping today to try to find a dress to wear to a wedding in 2 weeks and it was horrible! I couldn't find anything. I did find 2 cute maternity shirts, but no dress. I ended up ordering 2 online and I just hope one of them works out
Sleep: good
Best moment this week: being half way to meeting my little guy!
Movement: not yet :(
Food cravings: dr pepper
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: nothing
What I am looking forward to: looking pregnant...hopefully it happens soon
Milestones: being 20 weeks!

And dressed in jeans and a tshirt:

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Total weight gain/loss: still down about 16 pounds
Maternity clothes? Same. I went shopping today to try to find a dress to wear to a wedding in 2 weeks and it was horrible! I couldn't find anything. I did find 2 cute maternity shirts, but no dress. I ended up ordering 2 online and I just hope one of them works out
Sleep: good
Best moment this week: being half way to meeting my little guy!
Movement: not yet :(
Food cravings: dr pepper
Gender: boy!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: nothing
What I am looking forward to: looking pregnant...hopefully it happens soon
Milestones: being 20 weeks!
And dressed in jeans and a tshirt:
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
19 Weeks!!!
How far along? 19 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: -16 pounds, my goal is to not go over my pre-pregnancy weight, so I only want to gain 16 or less pounds the remainder of my pregnancy
Maternity clothes? Some, not really necessary yet. I put on my pre pregnancy jeans yesterday and if they were a lower rise I'd wear them, but where the waist lies isn't that comfortable on my stomach but everywhere else fits looser then they did before.
Sleep: good and bad. A few nights ago I was sleeping on my right side and I had this bad pain on that side right below my ribs, it happened every time I laid on that side, which made sleeping difficult because I usually go back and forth throughout the night with laying on my right and left. It hasn't happened again, at least not bad pain, just a little soar.
Best moment this week: being 19 weeks pregnant!
Movement: haven't felt it yet
Food cravings: nothing really lately
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: occasionally I miss having a glass of wine or a beer, but this baby is way more important
What I am looking forward to: feeling him move!
Milestones: being 19 weeks pregnant....almost halfway!

On another note, I love babies r us! That's where we registered and I can go online and look at my registry and it tells me what has been purchased for us off our registry. I was one of those kids that did everything I could to figure out what my Christmas gifts were, my brother and I knew moms hiding place and we'd sneak into our parents room to peak at our presents. Once mom figured that out she hid them elsewhere and we couldn't figure out where so once they were wrapped we'd cut the tape to peak, and then re-tape them, we were so bad! But I guess I loved knowing what I was getting and the anticipation of still having to wait to get my hands on it. I've never really liked surprises, I like knowing and having the anticipation waiting for it. So anyways, back to babies r us...I check the website every few days to see if anything has been purchased. I know its still early and we still have a lot more time to get gifts, but my mom and best friend are throwing me a baby shower at the beginning of next month when I'm home for a wedding because its the only time I'll be home while I'm pregnant. The stroller/carseat travel system and changing table show as purchased because my in laws got them for us and we already have them. And 2 toys were purchased, I'm guessing from my in laws. But today the diaper bag I want (LOVE) and the baby bujorn carrier has been purchased!!! I was expecting to start seeing smaller, less expensive things purchased, but those are items on the expensive side so I'm pretty excited!!!
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Total weight gain/loss: -16 pounds, my goal is to not go over my pre-pregnancy weight, so I only want to gain 16 or less pounds the remainder of my pregnancy
Maternity clothes? Some, not really necessary yet. I put on my pre pregnancy jeans yesterday and if they were a lower rise I'd wear them, but where the waist lies isn't that comfortable on my stomach but everywhere else fits looser then they did before.
Sleep: good and bad. A few nights ago I was sleeping on my right side and I had this bad pain on that side right below my ribs, it happened every time I laid on that side, which made sleeping difficult because I usually go back and forth throughout the night with laying on my right and left. It hasn't happened again, at least not bad pain, just a little soar.
Best moment this week: being 19 weeks pregnant!
Movement: haven't felt it yet
Food cravings: nothing really lately
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: occasionally I miss having a glass of wine or a beer, but this baby is way more important
What I am looking forward to: feeling him move!
Milestones: being 19 weeks pregnant....almost halfway!
On another note, I love babies r us! That's where we registered and I can go online and look at my registry and it tells me what has been purchased for us off our registry. I was one of those kids that did everything I could to figure out what my Christmas gifts were, my brother and I knew moms hiding place and we'd sneak into our parents room to peak at our presents. Once mom figured that out she hid them elsewhere and we couldn't figure out where so once they were wrapped we'd cut the tape to peak, and then re-tape them, we were so bad! But I guess I loved knowing what I was getting and the anticipation of still having to wait to get my hands on it. I've never really liked surprises, I like knowing and having the anticipation waiting for it. So anyways, back to babies r us...I check the website every few days to see if anything has been purchased. I know its still early and we still have a lot more time to get gifts, but my mom and best friend are throwing me a baby shower at the beginning of next month when I'm home for a wedding because its the only time I'll be home while I'm pregnant. The stroller/carseat travel system and changing table show as purchased because my in laws got them for us and we already have them. And 2 toys were purchased, I'm guessing from my in laws. But today the diaper bag I want (LOVE) and the baby bujorn carrier has been purchased!!! I was expecting to start seeing smaller, less expensive things purchased, but those are items on the expensive side so I'm pretty excited!!!
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Friday, April 12, 2013
Round ligament pain
I've been extremely lucky so far during my pregnancy, I haven't had morning sickness, I haven't been too exhausted, or really overly emotional. I've had it pretty easy so far, a lot of the time not even feeling like I'm pregnant. Well I've been having round ligament pain for a few weeks now, but nothing very bad. Until the past few days, wow, this shit can hurt! Yesterday when I stood up from sitting it was this painful pulling like feeling, its hard to explain, but it felt like my muscles where being pulled apart. I stood up and had to hunch over and take a minute to fuller stand up. The bad pain only lasted for a few minutes after I was up and walking around, then it was just a full ache. That's not happening today, thankfully, but now it hurts to sneeze, and I'm still getting over this stupid cold so I've been sneezing quite a bit.
I asked my dr about it on tuesday at my appointment just to make sure what I'm feeling is normal and he said it is. He had me lay back and he pushed on my pelvic bone and it hurt! He said that my pelvic bone (and muscles in that area) are loosening and separating to accommodate my growing uterus and that it can get quite painfully, to the point that some people need physical therapy for the pain! Wow, I never know it could be that bad. Mine isn't even close to being that bad. I just hope maybe he's really growing this week and that's why it's been more painful?! Hopefully it'll go back to being more of a dull ache/stretching feeling and not so painful!
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I asked my dr about it on tuesday at my appointment just to make sure what I'm feeling is normal and he said it is. He had me lay back and he pushed on my pelvic bone and it hurt! He said that my pelvic bone (and muscles in that area) are loosening and separating to accommodate my growing uterus and that it can get quite painfully, to the point that some people need physical therapy for the pain! Wow, I never know it could be that bad. Mine isn't even close to being that bad. I just hope maybe he's really growing this week and that's why it's been more painful?! Hopefully it'll go back to being more of a dull ache/stretching feeling and not so painful!
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
18 weeks!!!
How far along? 18 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: down about 18 pounds I think
Maternity clothes? Same. Don't really need them yet but I think some of my shirts are getting a little shorter
Sleep: pretty good. Last night was REALLY good, I think I only got up to pee once! I'm still sleeping on my stomach, kind of. I lay with one leg on a pillow kind of on my side but more on my stomach, so I'm not really laying directly on my tummy.
Best moment this week: seeing Jackson again at the ultrasound and having the dr say everything looks perfect!
Movement: not yet, I thought I felt something a few times, but nothing for sure yet
Food cravings: not really. I've had a cold for the last week so nothings really sounded that good
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: nothing
What I am looking forward to: feeling him move!
Milestones: being 18 weeks pregnant!
Here's Jackson:
And I love this one of his perfect little foot!
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013
I'm still here
I missed last week and I'm late on this week...I didn't take a picture last week and haven't taken this weeks yet, I HAVE to take it tomorrow! I had my 18 week appointment this morning and had the ultrasound where they measure and look at all of the baby's organs. Everything looks perfect! He is most definitely a he and gave us a good shot of his goods. He was moving around and kicking all over the place, I can't wait to start feeling those kicks and movements! There have been a few times where I think I might have felt the baby, but I'm not sure and I think I imagined it...so I'm just going to say that I haven't felt him move yet, but hopefully soon! He's measuring 6 days ahead (5 days ahead at last ultrasound 2 weeks ago). He's about 9oz now!
I got his crib put together!

And I'm trying to pick out paint for his room but the color I got on Monday was too dark (good thing I got a sample size) so I'm going tomorrow to pick a lighter shade. I also took the bedding we picked out at babies r us off our registry. Josh said I could make his bedding if I want and I just don't love anything out there. I don't want to too themed. I just want it to be boyish, but no to babyish, and fun! Here's the fabric I made a blanket out of for his room, these are the colors I'm going with

White, gray, blue and navy blue. I love the chevron pattern and I love the look of mixing different patterns. So I got some other fabric in these colors that's polka dot and chevron and other patterns. I'm doing the walls gray so I think I'll do white/sheer curtains and add fabric to the bottom of them to make them match the room

Like the ones in this picture. This was originally what I wanted to go with but josh didn't love the colors. He wanted it more boyish. So the nursery is a work in progress, but I have plenty of time.
Our first baby gift arrived yesterday:

My in-laws got it for us. And since it was raining yesterday the box got wet so of course I had to open it to make sure it wasn't wet!

I can't wait to put my little man in it! Well I can wait because he still needs to bake, but I can't wait at the same time.
I'm on vacation from work this week and I'm hoping to get the nursery painted and paint the glider too! I'm hoping that by the time my mom comes to visit in May the room will be looking a lot more like a nursery so I can show it off to her! I also wanted to do some major cleaning out and organizing this week but I don't know if I'll have time for everything on my list this week, but I have plenty of time before my little guy gets here to do it all. I also have another week of vacation I'll be able to use before the baby comes if I want (or save it to use during my maternity leave since its unpaid).
18 week post coming tomorrow!
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I got his crib put together!
And I'm trying to pick out paint for his room but the color I got on Monday was too dark (good thing I got a sample size) so I'm going tomorrow to pick a lighter shade. I also took the bedding we picked out at babies r us off our registry. Josh said I could make his bedding if I want and I just don't love anything out there. I don't want to too themed. I just want it to be boyish, but no to babyish, and fun! Here's the fabric I made a blanket out of for his room, these are the colors I'm going with
White, gray, blue and navy blue. I love the chevron pattern and I love the look of mixing different patterns. So I got some other fabric in these colors that's polka dot and chevron and other patterns. I'm doing the walls gray so I think I'll do white/sheer curtains and add fabric to the bottom of them to make them match the room
Like the ones in this picture. This was originally what I wanted to go with but josh didn't love the colors. He wanted it more boyish. So the nursery is a work in progress, but I have plenty of time.
Our first baby gift arrived yesterday:
My in-laws got it for us. And since it was raining yesterday the box got wet so of course I had to open it to make sure it wasn't wet!
I can't wait to put my little man in it! Well I can wait because he still needs to bake, but I can't wait at the same time.
I'm on vacation from work this week and I'm hoping to get the nursery painted and paint the glider too! I'm hoping that by the time my mom comes to visit in May the room will be looking a lot more like a nursery so I can show it off to her! I also wanted to do some major cleaning out and organizing this week but I don't know if I'll have time for everything on my list this week, but I have plenty of time before my little guy gets here to do it all. I also have another week of vacation I'll be able to use before the baby comes if I want (or save it to use during my maternity leave since its unpaid).
18 week post coming tomorrow!
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