Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I'm still here

I missed last week and I'm late on this week...I didn't take a picture last week and haven't taken this weeks yet, I HAVE to take it tomorrow! I had my 18 week appointment this morning and had the ultrasound where they measure and look at all of the baby's organs. Everything looks perfect! He is most definitely a he and gave us a good shot of his goods. He was moving around and kicking all over the place, I can't wait to start feeling those kicks and movements! There have been a few times where I think I might have felt the baby, but I'm not sure and I think I imagined it...so I'm just going to say that I haven't felt him move yet, but hopefully soon! He's measuring 6 days ahead (5 days ahead at last ultrasound 2 weeks ago). He's about 9oz now!

I got his crib put together!

And I'm trying to pick out paint for his room but the color I got on Monday was too dark (good thing I got a sample size) so I'm going tomorrow to pick a lighter shade. I also took the bedding we picked out at babies r us off our registry. Josh said I could make his bedding if I want and I just don't love anything out there. I don't want to too themed. I just want it to be boyish, but no to babyish, and fun! Here's the fabric I made a blanket out of for his room, these are the colors I'm going with

White, gray, blue and navy blue. I love the chevron pattern and I love the look of mixing different patterns. So I got some other fabric in these colors that's polka dot and chevron and other patterns. I'm doing the walls gray so I think I'll do white/sheer curtains and add fabric to the bottom of them to make them match the room

Like the ones in this picture. This was originally what I wanted to go with but josh didn't love the colors. He wanted it more boyish. So the nursery is a work in progress, but I have plenty of time.

Our first baby gift arrived yesterday:

My in-laws got it for us. And since it was raining yesterday the box got wet so of course I had to open it to make sure it wasn't wet!

I can't wait to put my little man in it! Well I can wait because he still needs to bake, but I can't wait at the same time.

I'm on vacation from work this week and I'm hoping to get the nursery painted and paint the glider too! I'm hoping that by the time my mom comes to visit in May the room will be looking a lot more like a nursery so I can show it off to her! I also wanted to do some major cleaning out and organizing this week but I don't know if I'll have time for everything on my list this week, but I have plenty of time before my little guy gets here to do it all. I also have another week of vacation I'll be able to use before the baby comes if I want (or save it to use during my maternity leave since its unpaid).

18 week post coming tomorrow!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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