Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's a BOY!!!

We're having a baby boy! I was not even surprised when the ultrasound tech told us! I'm so excited to have a little boy! And my husband is thrilled! His name will be Jackson and we'll call him Jax for short. We will still spell his name Jackson and not Jaxon or Jaxson because it is a family name (my great grandpas middle name) and we want to keep the spelling the same.

It was only a gender scan so we did not see the dr but the tech was so nice! She did measure him just to see how he was measuring and he measured 5 days ahead! He was curled up face down and had his legs Indian style and he was so stubborn to show is the goods! She jiggles the ultrasound wand and pressed on my stomach with it to try to get him to move around. He would move his arms and head and he flipped to face up, but was still being a brat about letting is see his parts, she was able to get a few good looks, but the pictures she got weren't so great. She keep trying to get us a better view and had me get up and go to the bathroom and move around to see if he would move. I jumped up and down even, and he had moved, but still had his legs covering up his parts! But she said she was sure its a boy and on one of the pics it's pretty obvious. I even drank orange juice before the appointment on hopes that the sugar would make him move around! We got a bunch of ultrasound pics AND a DVD of the ultrasound! In 2 weeks I'll go back and have another ultrasound and she will do all the measurements and look at all the organs and we'll see the doctor after that and he'll go over everything.
Here's my baby boy:

His little hand:

He's SO much bigger and looks so much more like a baby now then he did my last ultrasound! He even opened and closed his mouth, it looked like a yawn! And at one point was covering his face with his arms. It was so neat! I'm so glad I did this extra ultrasound and it was so worth the $30!

After the appointment we went and bought 2 outfits for the little guy:

All I want to do now is shop for my baby boy!!!

And here's my 16 week pic:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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