Tuesday, March 19, 2013

1 Week!!!

Until we find out if our baby is a boy or a girl!!! I can't believe that in just one week I'll be buying adorable teeny tiny clothes for MY baby! I can't wait! Last night josh told me he knows its a girl. Which is funny because this whole time he's been calling it a boy! He says he just knows its a girl. Everyone at work thinks its a girl, my best friend thinks its a girl, I think it's a girl...so we shall see! I'll admit, I'll be slightly disappointed for a moment if its a boy, i think mainly because I feel like its a girl and it would be more of a shock to find out its a boy, but I will get over that quickly and be happy to have a son! Boy or girl, I just want a happy, healthy baby!

I'm crazy and like to be prepared. I like to make lists. Lists make me feel in control I guess. So I've already started my lists for my hospital bag, Josh's bag, and the baby's bag. I plan on having everything ready and packed (except the last minute items like my makeup and hairbrush) by the time I have 4 weeks left until my due date. I want to make sure I have the carseat in the car and everything ready. My coworker had her baby on Saturday, she's due at the very end of this month, and it was a surprise that she came early. She had a feeling the day before that maybe she should start packing a bag, so she started throwing some stuff in a bag, and she installed the car set base and car seat that day too. Her husband didn't pack a bag until like 5:30 am when she woke him up to let him know her water broke. I definitely don't want that to happen to me. I want to make sure the cameras are packed and that I have what I want in order to be comfortable while I'm in the hospital. I just like to be prepared, I know I have a lot of time left, but planning makes me feel good!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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