Sunday, March 24, 2013

3 days!

It's crazy that in 3 days we'll find out what we're having (well more like 2 days since its technically tomorrow already-it's 1 am). I can't believe I'm 16 weeks pregnant. I'm not even showing yet and I'm finding out what I'm having?! I can tell I have a bump and that my tummy has changed, but others can't. Most of the time I don't feel pregnant. It's still so surreal, like its a dream and I'm going to wake up and realize I'm not pregnant. But I remind myself of my baby's strong heartbeat that I've heard at every drs appointment, I look at the ultrasound pictures and I remind myself of my symptoms. The symptoms could be attributed to other things but I know they're pregnancy symptoms. I get teary eyed at lame commercials, my sense of smell is ridiculous, my taste in food has changed, I've been getting headaches (which I've heard are common in the second trimester). It's just that I thought by 16 weeks I'd feel and look pregnant, while I know I'm extremely lucky to not have morning sickness, it would be reassuring at least. I can't wait to start feeling the baby move, then I'll have a lot more reassurance. And hopefully finding out if its a boy or a girl will help it feel more real. In a way I'm glad in not really showing yet, hopefully that means I won't get too huge, but it will be nice to look pregnant! I'm hoping that by 20 weeks I "pop" and it becomes obvious that I'm pregnant! I would really like to have a baby bump by the time I go back home to CA in may for a friends wedding and my baby shower.

My weight is holding steady (this week at least) and I'm down about 20 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight. My work pants are baggy and to big and look horrible. I tried on pants at target today and I don't want to buy regular pants that I'll only be able to wear for a short time, I'd rather just buy maternity work pants, but they didn't fit well at all. Maybe if I could find some that just have the elastic panel at the top and not the full panel they will fit better. But it's crazy that I've lost this much weight, its good but crazy. I really want to start working out, at least a few strength exercises to tone up my arms but I just haven't had the energy. That'll be my goal this next week- to work out, maybe 3 days for at least 30 minutes. Even if its just a walk. And to eat healthier. This past week my eating has been pretty horrible. Way too much fast food.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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