Tuesday, March 5, 2013

13 Weeks!!!

13 weeks! Second trimester! Which means I'm 1/3 of the way through my pregnancy! Craziness! I really want to start working out. I've been thinking a out going to the gym, just to use the elliptical and maybe some light weights! I also ordered a prenatal workout DVD today so hopefully that'll be good!

How far along? 13 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: 14-15 pounds down

Maternity clothes? Jeans mainly because they are more comfortable and fit me better then my normal jeans.

Sleep: haven't been sleeping so well the past week or so, tossing and turning most of the night

Best moment this week: being 13 weeks! And shopping for a friends baby shower gift and thinking about how soon I'll be registering and buying stuff for my baby (gender specific stuff!)

Movement: can't wait for it

Food cravings: orange juice. Cuties (I think they're tangerines? Clementines? Not sure but they are SO good!)

Gender: I still think girl, but only 5 more weeks until we find out!

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: having a glass of wine after a long day...but it's worth it!

What I am looking forward to: finding out if baby is a boy or girl, registering, buying baby stuff, everything!

Milestones: second trimester!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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