Monday, March 11, 2013

14 Weeks!

How far along? 14 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: down 14-15 pounds

Maternity clothes? Just jeans, 2 tank tops, and I just bought a t-shirt yesterday. Mainly because its been so long since I've boughten any clothes I've been wearing the same few things that fit for so long I REALLY needed some new clothes, and if I'm buying them I might as well buy maternity so I can wear it longer!

Sleep: a litter better this week, but I think it's because I've taken Tylenol pm a few times. I've been getting headaches practically everyday and I try not to take anything and by the time I get home it's so bad that a few times I've just taken tylenol pm and gone to bed.

Best moment this week: embracing my bump! I went to a baby shower today and wore a cute new shirt and sweater and for the first time in a long time I felt cute. I don't usually wear tight shirts and I pretty much always hide myself behind a zip up hoodie and dark colored loser fitting shirts, but today I wore a light blue tank with dark blue polka dots and a grey sweater unbuttoned over it. Every one knows I'm pregnant, so its obvious that my tummy is a baby bump. Even though I'm sure I still look fat, I felt good about myself!

Movement: not yet

Food cravings: still just orange juice

Gender: I'm still thinking its a girl, but maybe boy?

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing right now

What I am looking forward to: finding out if its a boy or girl! I have my 14 week appointment on Tuesday, and that's when I'll make my 18 week appointment where we'll find out, but I seriously can not wait! There's a place at the hospital that does gender ultrasounds at 16 weeks for $30. I know it's only 2 weeks earlier, but I am going to go crazy those 2 weeks, so I'm going to call in Monday and see if I can get an appointment. So I might be able to find out in 2 weeks instead of 1 month!

Milestones: being 14 weeks pregnant!

I went to a friend from works baby shower today and it made me so excited about my baby shower! And that I'm finally pregnant and finally get to experience all the things I've waited so long for! I feel so thankful and blessed to be pregnant! It still feels so surreal and most days I don't feel pregnant and think it might all be a dream. It's crazy to think I'm already 14 weeks pregnant. But I definitely have a little baby bump now and I'm sure in the next few weeks when I look in mirror there will be no mistaking that I'm pregnant! And I can't wait until I start feeling the baby move, then I'll really KNOW that I'm pregnant and be able to feel it all the time!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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