Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Being sick sucks

The stomach flu has been going around and of course I was (un)lucky enough to get it. I was feeling crappy yesterday morning but I thought I was just tired from not sleeping very well. Well I just felt worse and worse at work. I was dizzy and lightheaded and my stomach hurt so I left work and I had diarrhea and was throwing up yesterday. I couldn't keep anything in. I was finally able to eat a few saltine crackers and crushed ice last night. I was still feeling crappy this morning and I called in sick to work. There was no way I could have made it through a day at work. I was still feeling sick, I think it was mainly because I hadn't eaten anything in almost 24 hours. I still have diarrhea today but not as bad, and I've been able to eat saltines and chicken noodle soup (I mainly just drank the broth). I lost 5 pounds in 2 days. So I've lost 20 pounds since I got pregnant. I'm hoping that now I'll start gaining weight. Just a little at a time and slowly, but I don't think I need to lose anymore.

I had my 14 week OB appointment this afternoon and we got to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler. It was strong and we could hear the baby move and kick. So amazing! I made an appointment for 2 weeks from now for the gender ultrasound! I can't wait to find out what we're having!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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