Tuesday, April 30, 2013

21 week appointment

I had my OB appointment today, I was supposed to go next week but since we'll be in CA I went a week early. I was given the option to go a week early or a week later and I chose early. I figured I'd want reassurance that everything's fine before I went home to CA for a week. I know its not going that far away and we're driving not flying, but I wanted reassurance (to hear his heart beat) before I left.

The nurse took my blood pressure, the dr felt my stomach (to measure my uterus) and I was amazed at how high up the top of my uterus is! I mean duh, common sense, but I was surprised. He says its measuring perfect, then we listened to the heart beat on the Doppler (I love hearing it!) it was strong and perfect! He said everything look great. He gave me the glucose drink and gave me instructions for that for my next appointment in 4 weeks. And that was it. Quick, easy appointment. I really feel blessed and lucky at how easy this pregnancy has been. After trying for so long to have this little baby I guess I just assumed that I'd have a difficult, or maybe just not so comfortable, pregnancy. I figured I'd have morning sickness and gain too much weight to quickly, and all other common, but uncomfortable, pregnancy symptoms. So I'm hoping and praying that the second half is just as easy and uncomplicated as the first half.

I am trying to eat healthier because I have been eating pretty bad. In the beginning I did pretty good, but I started eating more and more fast food, like practically every day, and that's bad. Even though I haven't gained weight, I want to eat healthier. I really need to limit fast food and eat more fruits and veggies. I've also been really struggling with dinner. I used to be so good- come up with a plan for the week, get everything at the store, make and freeze and freezer meals I planned on making for the week, and then each night I'd make the planned dinner. But ever since I was sick a few weeks ago I haven't been able to get back into the swing of making dinners. I've been so bad. And this week we're leaving Friday morning for CA and josh has had to work nights the past 2 nights and i work late the next 2 nights so I didn't really even bother this week. As soon we get back from CA I plan on getting back into the swing if making dinners and eating healthier. At least lunches have been better this week. I've been having carrots and celery with ranch dip and strawberries and watermelon. I need to figure out something to add to keep me full longer. Maybe a protein and carb.

I'm so excited to be heading to CA at the end of the week! We're going to wedding on Saturday and then my mom and best friend are throwing me a baby shower on Sunday! I'm super excited about that! And then josh flys home Monday and I'll stay until Thursday. Then I'll drive back with my mom and she'll stay here for the weekend to go shopping for baby Jackson and work on his room! I can't wait!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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