Friday, April 12, 2013

Round ligament pain

I've been extremely lucky so far during my pregnancy, I haven't had morning sickness, I haven't been too exhausted, or really overly emotional. I've had it pretty easy so far, a lot of the time not even feeling like I'm pregnant. Well I've been having round ligament pain for a few weeks now, but nothing very bad. Until the past few days, wow, this shit can hurt! Yesterday when I stood up from sitting it was this painful pulling like feeling, its hard to explain, but it felt like my muscles where being pulled apart. I stood up and had to hunch over and take a minute to fuller stand up. The bad pain only lasted for a few minutes after I was up and walking around, then it was just a full ache. That's not happening today, thankfully, but now it hurts to sneeze, and I'm still getting over this stupid cold so I've been sneezing quite a bit.

I asked my dr about it on tuesday at my appointment just to make sure what I'm feeling is normal and he said it is. He had me lay back and he pushed on my pelvic bone and it hurt! He said that my pelvic bone (and muscles in that area) are loosening and separating to accommodate my growing uterus and that it can get quite painfully, to the point that some people need physical therapy for the pain! Wow, I never know it could be that bad. Mine isn't even close to being that bad. I just hope maybe he's really growing this week and that's why it's been more painful?! Hopefully it'll go back to being more of a dull ache/stretching feeling and not so painful!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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