Wednesday, April 17, 2013

19 Weeks!!!

How far along? 19 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: -16 pounds, my goal is to not go over my pre-pregnancy weight, so I only want to gain 16 or less pounds the remainder of my pregnancy
Maternity clothes? Some, not really necessary yet. I put on my pre pregnancy jeans yesterday and if they were a lower rise I'd wear them, but where the waist lies isn't that comfortable on my stomach but everywhere else fits looser then they did before.
Sleep: good and bad. A few nights ago I was sleeping on my right side and I had this bad pain on that side right below my ribs, it happened every time I laid on that side, which made sleeping difficult because I usually go back and forth throughout the night with laying on my right and left. It hasn't happened again, at least not bad pain, just a little soar.
Best moment this week: being 19 weeks pregnant!
Movement: haven't felt it yet
Food cravings: nothing really lately
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: occasionally I miss having a glass of wine or a beer, but this baby is way more important
What I am looking forward to: feeling him move!
Milestones: being 19 weeks pregnant....almost halfway!

On another note, I love babies r us! That's where we registered and I can go online and look at my registry and it tells me what has been purchased for us off our registry. I was one of those kids that did everything I could to figure out what my Christmas gifts were, my brother and I knew moms hiding place and we'd sneak into our parents room to peak at our presents. Once mom figured that out she hid them elsewhere and we couldn't figure out where so once they were wrapped we'd cut the tape to peak, and then re-tape them, we were so bad! But I guess I loved knowing what I was getting and the anticipation of still having to wait to get my hands on it. I've never really liked surprises, I like knowing and having the anticipation waiting for it. So anyways, back to babies r us...I check the website every few days to see if anything has been purchased. I know its still early and we still have a lot more time to get gifts, but my mom and best friend are throwing me a baby shower at the beginning of next month when I'm home for a wedding because its the only time I'll be home while I'm pregnant. The stroller/carseat travel system and changing table show as purchased because my in laws got them for us and we already have them. And 2 toys were purchased, I'm guessing from my in laws. But today the diaper bag I want (LOVE) and the baby bujorn carrier has been purchased!!! I was expecting to start seeing smaller, less expensive things purchased, but those are items on the expensive side so I'm pretty excited!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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