Friday, May 31, 2013

Jackson's room in progress

This week I had an extra day off because of Memorial Day. I had to work the actual holiday, but because we get holiday we get another day off during the week and our normal days off. So I had Sunday (always off since we're closed), Wednesday and today (Friday). I wish every week was a 4 day work week! I've been working on some small projects for Jackson's room, here's a few things I finished this week:

I used my silhouette cameo to cut out his name and the animals. I also used it to make stencils for the frames and wood plaque on the shelves.

Close up of the plaque, its from one of my favorite books that I know I will be reading to Jackson a lot!

I also made these, I spray painted cheap black 12x12 frames and put scrapbooking paper inside an the vinyl animals on the glass I hung them with command strips and I'm not sure if I'll leave them here or move them:

I need to get something for the big wall (on the right) above the day bed too, but I have no idea what I want. I also want to get a new lamp!

I love how his room is coming along!

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

25 week OB appointment

I had my 25 week OB appointment on Tuesday. I had my glucose test done and I'll know the results by the end if this week. The glucose test was not bad at all. The drink was not as bad as I had heard it would be. I've had it in the fridge since I got it at my last appointment and since I had to go to the dr straight from work, I just put it in the fridge at work and drank it as soon as I got off work. I got the orange flavor and it tasted like a melted orange otter pop to me. It was gross, but tolerable and not nearly as horrible as I had heard!

The appointment went as usually. Weight, blood pressure, pee in a cup, then the dr came in and felt my stomach, he said everything feels perfect and is growing just right. We listened to the heartbeat on the Doppler and the Jackson was kicking the dr the whole time! I love hearing his strong heartbeat! That was about it. Then I had to wait like 15 minutes for the blood draw for the glucose test because they have to take the blood exactly 1 hour after you finish the drink. I have my next appointment in 3 weeks, he wants to get back on even numbers, so at 28 weeks and then after that I'll go every 2 weeks! Which kinda freaks me out! Appointments every 2 weeks means we are getting a lot closer to having a baby! It's exciting, but it feels like there's no way I can be this far along already! It seems like I just had my first OB appointment! However the past 2 weeks or so time feels like it has really slowed down! It felt like it took so long to get from 24 to 25 weeks and now 25 weeks has felt like forever. It's going to be a really slow and agonizing few months if that keeps up. I think it also had a lot to do with the fact that I have so much done already to be ready for the baby, and the rest I need to do I don't want to do until I'm closer to my due date. Things like washing all his clothes and blankets, packing hospital bags, installing the car seat base into the car, things like that that I know its too early to do now. I do want to deep clean and organize our whole house and I've started doing that already so slowly that will all get done and it gives me something to do during these waiting months. I'm also working on the detail stuff in his bedroom, like decorating. Making some stuff to put on the walls and I want to make some more pillowcases for the day bed in there, I also want to make a nursing cover, carseat cover, and shopping cart/high chair cover. And some binky clips. So I have things to do, but pretty much all the big stuff is done.

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Monday, May 27, 2013

25 weeks!!!

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I gained 2 pounds! I'm down 16 from my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Still the same. I had to buy new work pants, the ones I had got a hole in them, they still fit and where too big so I probably could have worn them a lot longer. I bought maternity pants for work, they just fit better and are more comfortable. They are the ones that just have the elastic band under the belly, not the full panel, so I'm thinking they will get me through the next few months and after I have him

Sleep: good. Just crazy strange dreams! And last night I got up at least 6 times to pee, from now on I need to drink all my water earlier in the day and try to limit it more in the evenings!

Best moment this week: josh feeling him move!!!

Movement: yep

Food cravings: not really

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: this morning we went out to breakfast and I kinda missed coffee, I know I could have a cup but I've gone this long without it

What I am looking forward to: looking more pregnant! At work yesterday I was running errands before work so I had on jeans and a tshirt and my co workers where commenting that while I actually look pregnant in normal clothes (our work shirts are lose/baggy fitting polo style shirts) I look like I'm like 3 months pregnant not 6 months. I'm glad I'm not huge, but I'd really like it to be obvious to other people that I'm pregnant!

Milestones: josh feeling the baby move. And being past 24 weeks! Which means if my baby was born he would have a chance at viability. It would be a long struggle I'm sure and I hope and pray that he keeps baking for 3 more months, but its crazy to know that if he was born now he might be able to survive outside of the womb thanks to medical technology!

My belly has grown just in the past week and a half! :

23weeks+3days and 24weeks+6 days

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

24 weeks!

How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself this week, but last time I did I was still -18 from my pre-pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Some. Still not really necessary. I'm still wearing my normal work pants

Sleep: pretty good usually. If I lay more on my belly then my side he kicks me like crazy! Maybe he doesn't like being squished!

Best moment this week: being 24 weeks pregnant!

Movement: yes! And getting stronger. Last night I was laying on the couch trying to hear the heartbeat on an app on my phone (I'm pretty sure I found it once, but couldn't find it again) and for the first time I saw my belly move when he kicked! This morning when he was kicking and I was laying in bed I watched and could see my belly moved where he kicked! So neat! Josh hasn't felt him yet, but hopefully soon. His movements are so random there hasn't really been a time yet when I was with josh and sure he's feel him if he tried

Food cravings: not really

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: sushi

What I am looking forward to: josh feeling him move

Milestones: being 24 weeks pregnant!

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is it summer already?

Today at worked we were saying that that spring got skipped and we just jumped straight into summer. It was in the 60's before I went to CA (it reached the low 70's a few times, but had snowed the that week!) and I come back to temps in the 90's! It's freakin hot! Couldn't we have had some time in the 70's-80's temp before jumping up to the 90's! Well then I was driving home and realized that it practically is summer. I'm not sure exactly when summer officially starts, but its pretty close, which is SCARY! Because HELLI?!?! I'm going to be having a baby at the end if the summer! And you know how fast summers fly by...I kinda had a slight freak out moment in the car. I mean I know I'm pregnant. I know I'll be having my baby boy at the beginning of September. There's a bedroom across the hall from ours with a crib, glider, changing table and closet full of tiny clothes and baby gear. We have a stroller and carseat, bottles, breast pump, pacifiers, diaper bag, diapers. But there's still SO much I hope to get done before Jackson arrives. And while I know I have plenty of time, its already gone by so fast I know the next few weeks and months are going to fly by. I'm so ready to be a mom and met my son, but at the same time I want to cherish every moment I have being pregnant with him. I want to feel and appreciate every kick and flutter. I waited and wished for this for so long and I love having this amazing miracle growing inside of me. Wow that sounded so cheesy, we'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones...and on that note I have to say I have been feeling much more emotional lately! Like teary eyed at the stupidest things!

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

23 weeks!

How far along? 23 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: down 18 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Still the same. They are more comfortable, but not really necessary

Sleep: pretty good

Best moment this week: my mom being here for the weekend! Shopping with her, working on the nursery with her, and just having her here

Movement: yep, still mainly feeling him really low, but I've felt him on both my left and right side up pretty high (once on each side, different days)

Food cravings: none really

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing right now

What I am looking forward to: feeling him move more (stronger) and josh being able to feel him move

Milestones: being 23 weeks pregnant!!!

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

22 weeks!

How far along? 22 weeks and 3 days

Total weight gain/loss: not sure. I haven't weighed myself because I'm in CA!

Maternity clothes? Still pretty much the same. I feel like my tummy has gotten bigger, but I still don't really need maternity clothes

Sleep: good

Best moment this week: having an amazing baby shower given to me by my best friend, her mom and my mom! I was shocked at how generous everyone was and I feel so loved! I got SO much stuff for Jackson! I'm pretty sure he got more clothing then he'll even be able to wear! A friend who had a 7 week old baby boy gave us a HUGE bag of clothes. It's all newborn and 0-3 month. So Jax is set for the first few weeks/months! It's also been great being home and spending time with my friends and family!

Movement: yep :) it's so amazing to feel him moving all over the place! And it's getting stronger, I don't think it'll be too long before his kicks will be able to be felt from the outside!

Food cravings: not really...I've been enjoying all my favorite local food that we don't have in utah

Gender: baby boy

Labor Signs: nope

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: I've occasionally missed drinking this week...being at an amazing wedding and not being able to enjoy the beer truck and drinks, and not being able to sit down and enjoy a glass (or 2 or 3) with my best friend or my mom to talk and gossip. But this little boy is so completely worth it! Oh and sushi :( there are some super yummy sushi places here and I wish I could enjoy!

What I am looking forward to: josh being able to feel Jackson move!

Milestones: being 22 weeks!

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