Tuesday, June 25, 2013

29 weeks

How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: lost a pound last week, so down 17 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Mostly

Sleep: hasn't been very good thanks to this stupid cold I have right now

Best moment this week: Everytime I feel him move

Movement: yep

Food cravings: nothing really sounds or tastes that good since I'm sick

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no, I think I might have had a few Braxton hicks contractions, but I'm not sure

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: having beer, wine, or a mixed drink whenever I want, but its so worth it

What I am looking forward to: going to park city this next weekend! And of course meeting my son!

Milestones: being 29 weeks pregnant!

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

28 week appointment

I had my 28 week appointment and it went great. Same old same old for the most part. Weight, urine sample and blood pressure done by the nurse then the dr comes in and we talk and he feels my belly and we listen to the heartbeat. My blood pressure is always perfect according to the nurse. The dr felt my belly and said everything is good, he's close to 3 pounds now and everything is measuring well, which is kinda confusing because he doesn't actually measure anything, he just feels, but I guess he can tell just by feeling. We listened to the heartbeat and Jackson was moving all over the place during that and the dr had to keep moving the Doppler thing around to follow him so we could hear his heartbeat. The dr confirmed that I passed my glucose test but that my blood count was a tiny bit low, which is because of low iron I guess, but he said it isn't a big deal, just make sure I'm taking my prenatals and its not necessary for me to take a supplement. He said its very common during pregnancy and not to worry about it. I will try to eat iron rich foods though to try to help that. He also said I've lost weight and he's not concerned with that. As long as the baby is growing and everything is going well he says it would be fine if I didn't gain any weight between now and when I have Jackson. He said my weight isn't really important as long as everything is going well and Jackson is growing. As long as I don't lose or gain a huge amount in a short amount of time of course. I'm sure it looks like I lost more then I really did to them because I always go Tuesday afternoons around 4:30 after work, so after I've had lots of water throughout the day and just hours after I've finished lunch. Today I just had some water before my appointment since it was this morning. When I weigh myself at home I always do it first thing in the morning and I only lost 1 pound since my last appointment. Although I'm sure if I ate healthier I'd probably lose weight every week. But that's not my goal, well eating healthier is, but losing weight isn't. I'll focus on losing weight after I have Jackson. I don't restrict myself at all, I let myself eat what I want. I eat more fast food then I should and I really need to eat more fruits and veggies, but its kinda hard to do that being pregnant. Some days after work I'm just to worn out to cool dinner, fast food is just easier. I do try to have one simi healthy meal a day and its usually lunch (dinner when I close) at work. I have a bagel with cream cheese and fruit or a veggie like carrots and ranch dip. Sometimes I have chips with it. Sometimes I don't eat the fruit or veggie, but I figure its a lot better then some of the other things I could have for lunch. And it's quick and easy.

I can't believe I'm 7 months pregnant. It feels like its gone by so quickly! My baby boy will be here before I know it!

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Monday, June 17, 2013

28 weeks!

How far along? 28 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: I lost 1 pound last week, so still down 16 pounds below my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Mostly

Sleep: it had been really good until Thursday night. Thursday and friday I just wasn't able to get comfortable and I was wide awake and my mind was running a mile a minute in the middle of the night. I think I'm starting to worry about things now that's its getting closer-like how tight money will be when I'm on my (unpaid) maternity leave. Saturday and Sunday nights were a little better but not great.

Best moment this week: feeling him more and more. Being able to feel him from the outside. I'm still not sure what I'm feeling (head, butt, back) but its definitely baby! And seeing how strong his movements are getting, it's funny to watch my belly move with his movements. Sometimes I'm like "whoa kid!" But it hasn't been painful yet

Movement: a lot

Food cravings: pomegranate Popsicles. Dr pepper

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In, and still pretty far in too, I have a deep belly button

What I miss: margaritas. I saw an episode of Rachel ray were they made amazing sounding and looking margaritas and it made my mouth water

What I am looking forward to: getting things ready, like washing his clothes, blankets and bedding, packing our hospital bags and of course meeting my baby boy! I'm also looking forward to going to park city for a long 4 day weekend in less then 2 weeks! Early anniversary/babymoon!

Milestones: being 28 weeks pregnant!!!

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Friday, June 14, 2013


I thought I had gotten really lucky and avoided heartburn...I was wrong. I guess I figured it started in early pregnancy and could continue though out, but I was not expecting it to start in my third trimester! It started a few days ago and its pretty horrible. I guess I shouldn't complain, since its just staring now, and since I've been really lucky so far with being pregnant-no morning sickness and not really any major symptoms, pretty easy pregnancy so far. But wow. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. One day nothing and then the next I ate (or drank) anything and bam, heartburn. I bought tums today and those seem to help. I've heard that heartburn means my baby will be born with a full head of hair- I guess we'll just have to wait about 11 more weeks and we'll see if that's true!

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I started out all about cloth diapering. I thought they were cute and would save us tons of money. I was also holding onto hope that somehow we'd work it out so I could stay home and not have to go back to work, which is a whole different post altogether. I figured hey if I'm staying home or only working part time I can totally handle diaper laundry. So I started buying cloth diapers. I have quite a few different ones that I thought I'd like. I planed on trying them and then buying more of what I liked. Well...this brings us to know...3 months until my due date and knowing that I'm going to have to go back to work full time. My mom is moving here and will be living in our basement (living room, bathroom and bedroom, we bought our house with her moving here in mind) and I know that cloth diapering is easy, but I don't want to burden her with it. I also don't really want to worry about doing diaper laundry when I'm working full time. I know that I'll just want to spend all my time outside of work with my baby, not worrying about washing diapers. I'm also staring to think that disposables will just be so much easier. I know people who CD say its so easy, but to me disposables just sound so much easier right about now. At first I had sticker shock when I looked at the prices on disposables. I thought there's no way I'm spending that much on something that my baby is going to crap in and then I'm going to throw it away. Cloth diapers are reusable and you get so much more for your money...that's what I told myself. But my resolve to CD is wearing really thin at this point and I've been stocking up on disposables for a few weeks now.

I'm buying a few boxes/packages of each size. And I plan in stocking up between now and my due date. I'm still going to try cloth diapering, but I feel like its just not going to work for me. Maybe I will CD part time, maybe I won't CD at all, hell I could even end up CD exclusively. Who knows. But for now I'm going to go with my instinct and stock up on disposables. If I end up not using all of them I'm fine with that. I can sell them or save them for baby number 2.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

27 weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks! Hello third trimester!

Total weight gain/loss: gained back 5 pound so still 15 under my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: good. I seem to sleep really soundly lately, but get up anywhere from 2 or 3 to like 6 times a night to pee

Best moment this week: being in my third trimester!

Movement: yep! And now he sticks out his head or his butt and it feels like he's pushing from the inside and I can feel him on the outside!

Food cravings: soft pretzels, pomegranate Popsicles

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing

What I am looking forward to: meeting my baby boy in a few short months

Milestones: being in my third trimester!

I can't believe I'm already 2/3 of the way done with my pregnancy! Before I know it I'll be holding my baby boy! I think nesting has set in. Yesterday I scrubbed half the kitchen, inside the cabinets, cabinet doors, counter tops, I even got down on the floor and scrubbed the perimeter of the kitchen (mainly where the tile meets the cabinets, under that ledge) with a sponge and then a magic eraser. I plan on doing the rest of the floor but I had to get more magic erasers. I'm usually pretty lazy when it comes to cleaning but I'm noticing I'm more and more particular about cleaning up now. Like usually I'd leave the dishes and do them later (sometimes they'd sit in the sink for a few days-lazy I know) but now I've been doing them pretty much every night. It bugs me when the kitchen isn't clean now. And I'll suddenly get this urge to clean, like with the kitchen yesterday. And organizing too. I want everything organized.

My belly seems to be bigger some days and look smaller other days, I think it might vary depend on how he's laying in there. Here's pics from Saturday.

And in this one I think I look huge! Definitely pregnant! It's blurry because I was leaving to go shopping and took the pics real quick but didn't really look at them so I didn't notice until later.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It's still there

Infertility. It doesn't just go away when you get pregnant. It's not as present as it was when we where trying, but its still always there, in the back of my mind.

Like when I find out someone I know is pregnant, or see a pregnant woman, the nasty little voice in the back if my mind says "I bet they just decided to have a baby, had sex once or twice and got pregnant. I'm sure they didn't have to pay a fertility clinic money to have a baby." I try to remind myself that I don't know there struggle, or lack there of, in most cases but it doesn't really help.

I'm so thankful and so lucky to be pregnant. I know that. I don't take it for granted. I love being pregnant. I love feeling my little guy move and kick inside my belly. But because of infertility I feel like my pregnancy doesn't have my full attention all the time. I think most pregnant woman are able to fully enjoy and be in the moment, while as someone who struggles with infertility I'm already looking ahead. I'm already thinking about and planning for baby number 2. I hate that, but at the same time it's necessary if I want my children to be close in age (about 2 years apart would be perfect). We will try on our own for awhile, I've heard that fertile aide for men can help so I want to get hubby on that and try it, so I'm already thinking about when I should order that, when he should start that because I know he needs to start it before we start trying on our own. Maybe we can do that and try once Jackson is 6 months old, although I know the odds are unlikely because I plan on still breastfeeding at that time, I'm hoping to breastfeeding for 1 year. But then I wonder should I wean him at 6 months so we can really try for maybe a good 6 months before moving on to fertility treatments when he's 1. I guess it will depend on how I feel about this when that time comes. And then there's the fertility treatments. I don't really think we'll get pregnant on our own so I'm guessing that we'll need another IUI to have a second baby. We need to save money for that. Maybe we can put our tax return money aside for it. And then there's the whole what if it doesn't work the first time issue. We were extremely lucky that our very first treatment with the fertility specialist worked. And I know that's not always the case. We can't afford to do more then 1 IUI cycle. It's expensive and with a baby it'll be even harder to come up with the money. So what will we do if it doesn't work the first time.

These are all things that are on my mind often. I want my son to have a sibling close to his age. I want to experience pregnancy again. I know that one baby will not complete our family. And this is so hard for me. I want a family and I want it to be easy to make one. It's hard and expensive enough to raise kids, why does it have to be that way for me to get pregnant too?!

But for now, I want to try to focus on the now. On the tiny baby getting bigger everyday in my belly. Kicking and moving, like he's saying "hi mama!" I love him so much already. And I still have a lot to do to get ready to welcome my son in a few short months.

This is infertility. It doesn't just go away.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

26 weeks!

The belly is definetly getting bigger!

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: not sure, I haven't weighed myself in awhile

Maternity clothes? Still pretty much the same

Sleep: good

Best moment this week: feeling him move all the time!

Movement: all the time

Food cravings: not really, lately nothing really sounds good

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: sushi, wine

What I am looking forward to: meeting my baby boy in 3 months! Spending the summer getting ready for him. And our weekend trip to park city the last weekend this month, early anniversary/babymoon trip!

Milestones: being 26 weeks pregnant!

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