Week 1 of attempting to lose weight was a fail! We'll not completely. I haven't even weighed myself. I did eat better for the most part and I did the 30 day shred one time. I guess once is better then not doing it at all. I find that right now I'm wanting to spend every spare moment with Jackson since I go back to work in 2 weeks. I'm just savoring this time with him. And I don't feel bad about that at all. I'll never be able to get these moments with him back, so working out has been pushed to the back burner. I'm also seriously freaking out about having to go back to work. In dreading it. So that doesn't help. For now I'm just going to attempt to work out and eat better, but I'm not going to stress about it.
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Monday, October 28, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
2 month well check
Yesterday we had Jackson's 2 month well check! He's doing great! He's up to 12 pounds (30%)!!! Woohoo! And he's 23.5 inches long (50%)! The dr seemed really happy with his weight gain! Makes me feel good too! (FYI-he hasn't had formula in 2+ weeks!). He got his first round of immunizations :( it was so sad! He screamed is little head off and turned red, but once I picked him up he calmed down quickly. He was fussy afterwards yesterday and I just cuddled him and let him nurse all day. He seems a little fussy and sleepy today but not too bad. He was up quite a bit last night. Josh and I where able to get the flu shot there and josh also got the DTAP (which I got in the hospital). The dr mentioned that once they reach 12 pounds they have the ability and should start sleeping longer at night if not thru the night. I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. He also advised we move him to his room. He said everyone will probably sleep better once we do that. I'm thinking we'll start doing that this weekend. That way josh and I can take turns going in there (when he wakes up and needs to be soothed, not eat). I know he can easily go 4 hours before eating again so I think we'll try to hold him off if he wakes up sooner and then hopefully get him going longer and longer.
I'm so torn on bedtime. I tried to get him going to bed by 9, but that didn't really help. Last night I put him to bed earlier 8ish and it was a pretty bad night (could be blamed on the shots). I might try 10 tonight and see if that makes a difference. Weeks ago he was sleeping pretty consistently 10-3 ish and then 4-7ish. I would LOVE for our nights to be like that! Especially once I go back to work. I know eventually we'll find a routine that works for us.
At the dr:

Sleepy boy on the way home:


Sleepy snuggle bug yesterday:

And today:

He does this thing when he's sleeping where he lifts his head up and kinda sighs/takes a deep breath, well he did that and then rested his head on his hand:

He is definitely a mommas boy, and I love it!
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I'm so torn on bedtime. I tried to get him going to bed by 9, but that didn't really help. Last night I put him to bed earlier 8ish and it was a pretty bad night (could be blamed on the shots). I might try 10 tonight and see if that makes a difference. Weeks ago he was sleeping pretty consistently 10-3 ish and then 4-7ish. I would LOVE for our nights to be like that! Especially once I go back to work. I know eventually we'll find a routine that works for us.
At the dr:
Sleepy boy on the way home:
Sleepy snuggle bug yesterday:
And today:
He does this thing when he's sleeping where he lifts his head up and kinda sighs/takes a deep breath, well he did that and then rested his head on his hand:
He is definitely a mommas boy, and I love it!
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Pumpkin patch
2 months!!!
Today my little man is 2 months old! He had a really fussy few days this past week and a horrible night a few nights ago, up every hour and then finally slept for a 3 hour stretch, I was exhausted. Then the night before last he slept for 5 hours followed by 3 or 4 hours and then last night he slept for 6 1/2 hours followed by a 4 hour stretch!!! It was amazing! I hope he keeps that up. I did start doing something a little different. I noticed (and read that its common) that I have an abundance of milk in the mornings and not so much in the evenings. It seemed as though he was getting really frustrated in the evenings when nursing, like he just wasn't getting enough. So I started pumping in the morning between nursing and getting 2 oz then I nurse on demand throughout the day like I always do. In the evening he nurses briefly after I eat dinner then around 7:30 we head upstairs and I give him a bath then josh gives him the 2 oz bottle then I let him nurse as long as he wants and I put him down in the pack and play for bed around 9.

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Monday, October 21, 2013
Starting point
So I weighed myself this morning and I'm 204.8. Yuck. I can't wait for that number to be under 200, shouldn't take me very long to get it there!
So my first weight loss goal is to lose 10 pounds. So to get to 194. This week my eating goal is to use the my fitness pal app, eat at least 1 fruit or veggie everyday, and no more ice cream! My workout goal is to do 30 day shred and/or go for a 30+ minute walk at least 3 days this week. I would like to do the 30 day shred AND go for a walk everyday but I don't know of I'll be able to fit both in let alone get a workout in everyday!
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So my first weight loss goal is to lose 10 pounds. So to get to 194. This week my eating goal is to use the my fitness pal app, eat at least 1 fruit or veggie everyday, and no more ice cream! My workout goal is to do 30 day shred and/or go for a 30+ minute walk at least 3 days this week. I would like to do the 30 day shred AND go for a walk everyday but I don't know of I'll be able to fit both in let alone get a workout in everyday!
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Sunday, October 20, 2013
It's time!
It's time to get in shape! I had Jackson 2 months ago and have been wanting to start working out but haven't been able to find the motivation yet. Well I'm still not feeling the motivation, but I have to so something. I've also been eating horribly (Ben and Jerry's most nights...the whole container in one sitting...bad). I have 3 weeks left until I go back to work and I figure if I start now hopefully I can make working out a part of my routine, a habit. And maybe lose a little weight before I head back to work!
Ok, I'm just going to put it all out there, even though it's embarrassing. Pre pregnancy I was 224 pounds, about 13-14 weeks along I had lost 20 pounds putting me at 204. I'm not sure exactly what I ended my pregnancy at but I'm pretty sure it was around 210, so I gained back 6 pounds from what I lost. I've only weighed myself a few times in the past 2 months but I think I'm around 205 maybe. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning to get an accurate start weight. 10 days after I had him I weighed 196.4.
My plan is to use the my fitness pal app to track my calories and I'm going to so Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I don't plan on being really strict about my calories because I'm nursing, I'm mainly going to focus on making healthier choices. I got some fruit and healthier foods at the store today. I also want to go on daily walks with Jackson. I got a jogging stroller at babies r us on clearance and its so much smoother to take on walks in our neighborhood.
The 30 day shred is only about 30 minutes and eating healthy doesn't take more time so I just need to make sure I'm taking those 30 minutes for myself, hopefully Jackson will nap in his swing and let me do my workouts in the mornings. Once I go back to work I know it'll be a lot harder to find the time to work out but I know I need to make myself a priority. I need to take care if myself and its time for me to get to a place where I'm happy with my body again.
One good thing about going back to work is that it'll be easier to get my eating under control! I won't be able to just mindlessly snack all day.
I'd really like to lose 40-50 pounds, I want to be able to fit into all my clothes again. Maybe get to a size 8. I don't really want to set exact goals for that yet because I want to get to my happy weight and it's not an exact number, it's when I get to a place where I'm happy with myself. It could be 40 pounds from where I'm at or it could be 60. I'm going to focus on smaller goals. My first goal will be losing 10 pounds. I'll have eating and workout goals too. Maybe weekly, I haven't decided yet.
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Ok, I'm just going to put it all out there, even though it's embarrassing. Pre pregnancy I was 224 pounds, about 13-14 weeks along I had lost 20 pounds putting me at 204. I'm not sure exactly what I ended my pregnancy at but I'm pretty sure it was around 210, so I gained back 6 pounds from what I lost. I've only weighed myself a few times in the past 2 months but I think I'm around 205 maybe. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning to get an accurate start weight. 10 days after I had him I weighed 196.4.
My plan is to use the my fitness pal app to track my calories and I'm going to so Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I don't plan on being really strict about my calories because I'm nursing, I'm mainly going to focus on making healthier choices. I got some fruit and healthier foods at the store today. I also want to go on daily walks with Jackson. I got a jogging stroller at babies r us on clearance and its so much smoother to take on walks in our neighborhood.
The 30 day shred is only about 30 minutes and eating healthy doesn't take more time so I just need to make sure I'm taking those 30 minutes for myself, hopefully Jackson will nap in his swing and let me do my workouts in the mornings. Once I go back to work I know it'll be a lot harder to find the time to work out but I know I need to make myself a priority. I need to take care if myself and its time for me to get to a place where I'm happy with my body again.
One good thing about going back to work is that it'll be easier to get my eating under control! I won't be able to just mindlessly snack all day.
I'd really like to lose 40-50 pounds, I want to be able to fit into all my clothes again. Maybe get to a size 8. I don't really want to set exact goals for that yet because I want to get to my happy weight and it's not an exact number, it's when I get to a place where I'm happy with myself. It could be 40 pounds from where I'm at or it could be 60. I'm going to focus on smaller goals. My first goal will be losing 10 pounds. I'll have eating and workout goals too. Maybe weekly, I haven't decided yet.
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Monday, October 14, 2013
8 weeks!
Can't believe my little guy is 8 weeks old! He's getting so big, so fast. I love it and hate it at the same time...the newborn phase is hard, really hard a lot of the time (mainly the lack of sleep, getting good at breastfeeding) but he's so tiny and adorable and cuddly, I just want him to stay this little...on the other hand he's changing daily, he's growing and becoming more aware, and I love watching him grow and learn, I can't wait for him to giggle, and reach for me, say momma and daddy and all that fun stuff!
2 nights ago he slept 5 hours, nursed, then slept 4 more hours, it was awesome...then last night he was up every 2-3 hours. Every night is different. Yesterday I moved the pack and play into our room for him to start sleeping in, so he can get used to sleeping flat and being in a bigger space, so hopefully when we move him into his crib in his room it'll be an easier transition. That won't be for awhile though! Last night was his first night sleeping in there so that could have been why he was up more often. Hopefully each night will get better as he gets used to it. It will be so nice when he gets into some sort of sleep pattern.
Today he has been pretty fussy. And nursing ALL day. I don't mind though. I'm just so glad I can be here for him right now at not at work! I'm do thankful for this time I get to spend with him, I only wish it could be longer!
Here are some pics from this morning! The bottom left pic is his poop face!

We were going to go to a pumpkin patch yesterday so I dressed him in his Halloween onesie auntie Katharine got him, but it was cold and raining so we didn't go. Hopefully we'll go one day this week.

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2 nights ago he slept 5 hours, nursed, then slept 4 more hours, it was awesome...then last night he was up every 2-3 hours. Every night is different. Yesterday I moved the pack and play into our room for him to start sleeping in, so he can get used to sleeping flat and being in a bigger space, so hopefully when we move him into his crib in his room it'll be an easier transition. That won't be for awhile though! Last night was his first night sleeping in there so that could have been why he was up more often. Hopefully each night will get better as he gets used to it. It will be so nice when he gets into some sort of sleep pattern.
Today he has been pretty fussy. And nursing ALL day. I don't mind though. I'm just so glad I can be here for him right now at not at work! I'm do thankful for this time I get to spend with him, I only wish it could be longer!
Here are some pics from this morning! The bottom left pic is his poop face!
We were going to go to a pumpkin patch yesterday so I dressed him in his Halloween onesie auntie Katharine got him, but it was cold and raining so we didn't go. Hopefully we'll go one day this week.
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7 weeks
I can't believe how big my little guy is getting! He can still fit into most of his newborn clothes but 0-3 and 3 months are starting to fit better. He's getting some chub on him but he's still long and thin! Still have a hard time keeping socks on his long skinny feet! He's wearing size 1 diapers.
Nights are usually 3 hour stretch, nurse, 4 hour stretch. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after nursing again, sometimes he's up for the day. We are working on finding a bedtime and bedtime routine that works for us. Sometimes he's ready for bed at 8-9 and sometimes he's wide awake until 10-11 or even later. I really think a routine will help. He loves baths now so I'm trying to do bath (only use soap every other night), bedtime lotion, nurse, swaddle and to bed, but we've only done that 2 nights this week. He really fights morning naps unless I'm out running errands. He'll sleep the whole time I'm out usually. He takes short naps throughout the morning and then usually takes a longer nap in the late afternoon/early evening. I think if I could get him to take his long nap earlier in the day he might sleep longer or at least go to bed earlier at night, so I'm working on that.
Nursing is going well. Other then sore boobs and nipples. I enjoy nursing him. Some days he nurses a lot, I think he often uses me as a pacifier. He's had a few formula bottles but I'm trying to stop using formula, it's been about 3 days since he's had any and hopefully we can keep that up! It seems like formula upsets his tummy and makes him more gassy then usual. He sure is a gassy baby! He farts so loud!
Originally we had planned on me going back to work this coming Monday, but I'm not. My mom is still working on selling her condo do we decided that I will stay off work for the whole 12 weeks that I am able to take off. It's unpaid so its a little rough financially, but so worth it. I can't even imagine having to be away from him starting Monday. I'm sure I still won't be in 4 more weeks, but hopefully it'll be easier by then.
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Nights are usually 3 hour stretch, nurse, 4 hour stretch. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after nursing again, sometimes he's up for the day. We are working on finding a bedtime and bedtime routine that works for us. Sometimes he's ready for bed at 8-9 and sometimes he's wide awake until 10-11 or even later. I really think a routine will help. He loves baths now so I'm trying to do bath (only use soap every other night), bedtime lotion, nurse, swaddle and to bed, but we've only done that 2 nights this week. He really fights morning naps unless I'm out running errands. He'll sleep the whole time I'm out usually. He takes short naps throughout the morning and then usually takes a longer nap in the late afternoon/early evening. I think if I could get him to take his long nap earlier in the day he might sleep longer or at least go to bed earlier at night, so I'm working on that.
Nursing is going well. Other then sore boobs and nipples. I enjoy nursing him. Some days he nurses a lot, I think he often uses me as a pacifier. He's had a few formula bottles but I'm trying to stop using formula, it's been about 3 days since he's had any and hopefully we can keep that up! It seems like formula upsets his tummy and makes him more gassy then usual. He sure is a gassy baby! He farts so loud!
Originally we had planned on me going back to work this coming Monday, but I'm not. My mom is still working on selling her condo do we decided that I will stay off work for the whole 12 weeks that I am able to take off. It's unpaid so its a little rough financially, but so worth it. I can't even imagine having to be away from him starting Monday. I'm sure I still won't be in 4 more weeks, but hopefully it'll be easier by then.
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Saturday, October 12, 2013
7 weeks photo dump
Getting so big!

Tummy time on the boppy=nap time:

He loves his baths now:

Snuggling in bed:

I love this little guy so much:

Happily fell asleep at the boob:

Wide awake at 11ish pm when he should be sleeping:


Daddy and son time:

Sleeping in daddy's arms while he plays video games:

Fighting his morning nap:

Tummy time on the boppy=nap time:
He loves his baths now:
Snuggling in bed:
I love this little guy so much:
Happily fell asleep at the boob:
Wide awake at 11ish pm when he should be sleeping:
Daddy and son time:
Sleeping in daddy's arms while he plays video games:
Fighting his morning nap:
6 weeks
His favorite place to sleep, on my chest, and where he's currently sleeping as I write this!

Daddy and his babies.

Cute mustache onesie from auntie Sami and uncle Nick

Tough guy outfit from auntie Katharine

A boy and his pup:

Wearing one of the outfits we bought the day we found out we were having a boy!:

Sad face!:

First (and only so far) time napping in his crib:

Daddy and his babies.
Cute mustache onesie from auntie Sami and uncle Nick
Tough guy outfit from auntie Katharine
A boy and his pup:
Wearing one of the outfits we bought the day we found out we were having a boy!:
Sad face!:
First (and only so far) time napping in his crib:
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