Saturday, October 12, 2013


When we got into town my best friend and J's god mother came by to meet him! After that I headed to meet up with my mom and go to the rehearsal dinner for my brothers wedding! She didn't tell them I was coming so it was a surprise! He got to meet my brother and his fiancé and her family and my sister, brother in law and niece and nephew!
Here's Jackson and his cousin Haley:

The next day I was going to hang out with Katharine but she ended up having to work, so I ran some errands (had to get wrapping paper and a card for wedding gift) and then went over to my grandmas to see her and let her meet and hold J before the wedding. I had perfect timing and got there just as my aunt and uncle who came from Georgia for the wedding got there! We just sat and chatted for awhile! And I just realized that I didn't get any pictures if him with great grandma, I'm so upset about that. I was so horrible about taking pictures the whole time, I really need to be better about that.

After that it was time to get ready to go to dinner at some friends house, Chris and Rachel.

He was a good boy but slightly fussy as it got later in the evening.

The next day, Saturday, I meet Katharine for coffee at panara. Here's a pic I snapped while I was waiting for her

Then it was time to get ready for the wedding. Here are some pics in the car on the way to the wedding

I didn't get any pictures at the wedding except the photo booth ones, here's one my sister took while we were in the photo booth

I'm so bummed I didn't get any pictures. But taking care of a new baby in a new environment wasn't easy! I left my camera in the stroller inside one if the buildings and josh had my phone in his pocket since I didn't have any pockets. I'm determined to be better at taking pictures.

The next morning I went over to Katharine's mom, Cynthia's, house so she could meet Jackson! Here's j with his auntie Katharine

That afternoon Katharine came over and our friend Jacque came too meet little J. My mom came by to say good bye to us and little J. Early the next morning we drove back home to utah. J once again doing amazing in the car.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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