Monday, October 14, 2013

8 weeks!

Can't believe my little guy is 8 weeks old! He's getting so big, so fast. I love it and hate it at the same time...the newborn phase is hard, really hard a lot of the time (mainly the lack of sleep, getting good at breastfeeding) but he's so tiny and adorable and cuddly, I just want him to stay this little...on the other hand he's changing daily, he's growing and becoming more aware, and I love watching him grow and learn, I can't wait for him to giggle, and reach for me, say momma and daddy and all that fun stuff!

2 nights ago he slept 5 hours, nursed, then slept 4 more hours, it was awesome...then last night he was up every 2-3 hours. Every night is different. Yesterday I moved the pack and play into our room for him to start sleeping in, so he can get used to sleeping flat and being in a bigger space, so hopefully when we move him into his crib in his room it'll be an easier transition. That won't be for awhile though! Last night was his first night sleeping in there so that could have been why he was up more often. Hopefully each night will get better as he gets used to it. It will be so nice when he gets into some sort of sleep pattern.

Today he has been pretty fussy. And nursing ALL day. I don't mind though. I'm just so glad I can be here for him right now at not at work! I'm do thankful for this time I get to spend with him, I only wish it could be longer!

Here are some pics from this morning! The bottom left pic is his poop face!

We were going to go to a pumpkin patch yesterday so I dressed him in his Halloween onesie auntie Katharine got him, but it was cold and raining so we didn't go. Hopefully we'll go one day this week.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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