Thursday, October 24, 2013

2 month well check

Yesterday we had Jackson's 2 month well check! He's doing great! He's up to 12 pounds (30%)!!! Woohoo! And he's 23.5 inches long (50%)! The dr seemed really happy with his weight gain! Makes me feel good too! (FYI-he hasn't had formula in 2+ weeks!). He got his first round of immunizations :( it was so sad! He screamed is little head off and turned red, but once I picked him up he calmed down quickly. He was fussy afterwards yesterday and I just cuddled him and let him nurse all day. He seems a little fussy and sleepy today but not too bad. He was up quite a bit last night. Josh and I where able to get the flu shot there and josh also got the DTAP (which I got in the hospital). The dr mentioned that once they reach 12 pounds they have the ability and should start sleeping longer at night if not thru the night. I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. He also advised we move him to his room. He said everyone will probably sleep better once we do that. I'm thinking we'll start doing that this weekend. That way josh and I can take turns going in there (when he wakes up and needs to be soothed, not eat). I know he can easily go 4 hours before eating again so I think we'll try to hold him off if he wakes up sooner and then hopefully get him going longer and longer.

I'm so torn on bedtime. I tried to get him going to bed by 9, but that didn't really help. Last night I put him to bed earlier 8ish and it was a pretty bad night (could be blamed on the shots). I might try 10 tonight and see if that makes a difference. Weeks ago he was sleeping pretty consistently 10-3 ish and then 4-7ish. I would LOVE for our nights to be like that! Especially once I go back to work. I know eventually we'll find a routine that works for us.
At the dr:

Sleepy boy on the way home:


Sleepy snuggle bug yesterday:

And today:

He does this thing when he's sleeping where he lifts his head up and kinda sighs/takes a deep breath, well he did that and then rested his head on his hand:

He is definitely a mommas boy, and I love it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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