Monday, October 14, 2013

7 weeks

I can't believe how big my little guy is getting! He can still fit into most of his newborn clothes but 0-3 and 3 months are starting to fit better. He's getting some chub on him but he's still long and thin! Still have a hard time keeping socks on his long skinny feet! He's wearing size 1 diapers.

Nights are usually 3 hour stretch, nurse, 4 hour stretch. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep after nursing again, sometimes he's up for the day. We are working on finding a bedtime and bedtime routine that works for us. Sometimes he's ready for bed at 8-9 and sometimes he's wide awake until 10-11 or even later. I really think a routine will help. He loves baths now so I'm trying to do bath (only use soap every other night), bedtime lotion, nurse, swaddle and to bed, but we've only done that 2 nights this week. He really fights morning naps unless I'm out running errands. He'll sleep the whole time I'm out usually. He takes short naps throughout the morning and then usually takes a longer nap in the late afternoon/early evening. I think if I could get him to take his long nap earlier in the day he might sleep longer or at least go to bed earlier at night, so I'm working on that.

Nursing is going well. Other then sore boobs and nipples. I enjoy nursing him. Some days he nurses a lot, I think he often uses me as a pacifier. He's had a few formula bottles but I'm trying to stop using formula, it's been about 3 days since he's had any and hopefully we can keep that up! It seems like formula upsets his tummy and makes him more gassy then usual. He sure is a gassy baby! He farts so loud!

Originally we had planned on me going back to work this coming Monday, but I'm not. My mom is still working on selling her condo do we decided that I will stay off work for the whole 12 weeks that I am able to take off. It's unpaid so its a little rough financially, but so worth it. I can't even imagine having to be away from him starting Monday. I'm sure I still won't be in 4 more weeks, but hopefully it'll be easier by then.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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