Sunday, October 20, 2013

It's time!

It's time to get in shape! I had Jackson 2 months ago and have been wanting to start working out but haven't been able to find the motivation yet. Well I'm still not feeling the motivation, but I have to so something. I've also been eating horribly (Ben and Jerry's most nights...the whole container in one sitting...bad). I have 3 weeks left until I go back to work and I figure if I start now hopefully I can make working out a part of my routine, a habit. And maybe lose a little weight before I head back to work!

Ok, I'm just going to put it all out there, even though it's embarrassing. Pre pregnancy I was 224 pounds, about 13-14 weeks along I had lost 20 pounds putting me at 204. I'm not sure exactly what I ended my pregnancy at but I'm pretty sure it was around 210, so I gained back 6 pounds from what I lost. I've only weighed myself a few times in the past 2 months but I think I'm around 205 maybe. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning to get an accurate start weight. 10 days after I had him I weighed 196.4.

My plan is to use the my fitness pal app to track my calories and I'm going to so Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I don't plan on being really strict about my calories because I'm nursing, I'm mainly going to focus on making healthier choices. I got some fruit and healthier foods at the store today. I also want to go on daily walks with Jackson. I got a jogging stroller at babies r us on clearance and its so much smoother to take on walks in our neighborhood.

The 30 day shred is only about 30 minutes and eating healthy doesn't take more time so I just need to make sure I'm taking those 30 minutes for myself, hopefully Jackson will nap in his swing and let me do my workouts in the mornings. Once I go back to work I know it'll be a lot harder to find the time to work out but I know I need to make myself a priority. I need to take care if myself and its time for me to get to a place where I'm happy with my body again.

One good thing about going back to work is that it'll be easier to get my eating under control! I won't be able to just mindlessly snack all day.

I'd really like to lose 40-50 pounds, I want to be able to fit into all my clothes again. Maybe get to a size 8. I don't really want to set exact goals for that yet because I want to get to my happy weight and it's not an exact number, it's when I get to a place where I'm happy with myself. It could be 40 pounds from where I'm at or it could be 60. I'm going to focus on smaller goals. My first goal will be losing 10 pounds. I'll have eating and workout goals too. Maybe weekly, I haven't decided yet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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