Thursday, October 24, 2013

2 months!!!

Today my little man is 2 months old! He had a really fussy few days this past week and a horrible night a few nights ago, up every hour and then finally slept for a 3 hour stretch, I was exhausted. Then the night before last he slept for 5 hours followed by 3 or 4 hours and then last night he slept for 6 1/2 hours followed by a 4 hour stretch!!! It was amazing! I hope he keeps that up. I did start doing something a little different. I noticed (and read that its common) that I have an abundance of milk in the mornings and not so much in the evenings. It seemed as though he was getting really frustrated in the evenings when nursing, like he just wasn't getting enough. So I started pumping in the morning between nursing and getting 2 oz then I nurse on demand throughout the day like I always do. In the evening he nurses briefly after I eat dinner then around 7:30 we head upstairs and I give him a bath then josh gives him the 2 oz bottle then I let him nurse as long as he wants and I put him down in the pack and play for bed around 9.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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