Monday, July 21, 2014


Jackson has had a fever on and off since Tuesday afternoon (it's Monday now so almost a week). I kept saying "if he's not better tomorrow I'll call the doctor and make an appointment". Well every morning he seemed better and then later in the day he'd have a fever, and some of the days he didn't and was fine. Friday and Saturday he was ok but yesterday the fever came back to 102.6 and he wasn't himself. This morning his temp was 99.0 which isn't bad but it had gone on too long so I called and made an appointment. We went in and saw a different dr then we usually see and I really liked him. He was really nice and cute too ;). Anyways J looks great. Ears, throat, lungs are all clear. Dr thinks it just must be something his body is fighting off. Since his fever was lower this morning he's hoping it's over and the fever will go away. He just said to keep a close eye on him. We've been really struggling with nursing lately. Sometimes he just doesn't want to nurse. I've been thawing my frozen milk and giving it to him in sippy cups and he drinks it really well but I don't have enough frozen milk to get us to his first birthday. I've been nursing him first thing in the am, before his naps and at bedtime but he usually only nurses well first thing in the morning. Well I talked to the dr and he said it's fine to start giving him whole milk. So I'm going to keep nursing first thing in the morning and before bed but cut out daytime nursing and just to sippy cups. I'm going to get some whole milk and start mixing it in with breastmilk. I did talk to him about how J was sensitive to dairy and it used to upset his tummy but he's had cheese and dairy and it hasn't bothered him so he said go ahead and start whole milk and see how he does and if it seems to upset his tummy then we can talk again and see.

I'm sad and happy to start weaning. I know I will miss it, but I'm excited to have my body back.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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