Saturday, July 5, 2014

Whole 30 day 3

I didn't take pictures of my meals today. We were supposed to have a showing from 1-2 so we had to be out of the house. I had scrambled eggs with bacon and some carrots for breakfast. I spent the morning cleaning the house and then grabbed a larabar as we headed out the door. I had intended to eat a better lunch but it didn't happen so at least I had a larabar to grab. We shopped and then came home. Turns out they didn't even show our house :(. Boo. For dinner I had a big salad with chicken, black olives and sesame dressing. The dressing has soybean oil so it's not actually whole 30 approved, oops. But it was really good. And healthy. And then I had some strawberries and Rainer cherries for a snack! Yummy!

I weighed myself this morning and it was better then I was expecting. Not a good number at all but I was expecting worse. I thought at the very least it would be 215, but realistically after being on vacation last week and not working out for 2 weeks I was expecting to see 220. I was pleasantly surprised to see 212! Here are pictures I took today. I can't wait to compare at the end of these 30 days and (hopefully) see a big difference!

I don't actually have a full length mirror in our house, well my mom had one in her room in the basement, but I have never been happy with myself in the 3 years we've lived here and so I've never boughten a full length mirror for our house. So these will have to do.

I'm already feeling better about myself though. Slimmer and healthier, although when I look in the mirror I'm reminded that I have a long way to go. But if I'm already feeling better on day 3 I can't imagine how I'll feel on day 30!!!

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