Saturday, February 28, 2015

Nutrisystem : Weigh in #1

I started at 230.4 and now after my first week on nutrisystem I am down to 225.0!!! I lost 5.4 lbs during this first week! I'm so happy and excited about that!

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Nutrisystem day 7

Woohoo my final day of my first week of NS! I didn't weigh myself this morning because I had to babysit today which means I had to sneak quietly out of the bedroom early this morning so I didn't wake J up to go pick up the baby! I leave at about 6:10 and J doesn't get up until 7-7:30! I give my mom the monitor and she listens for him until I get back. The sink part of the bathroom where the scale is isn't closed off so I wasn't about to risk trying to weigh myself and waking him up! So I will weigh myself tomorrow morning. I can say that I feel better though, lighter and thinner although when I look in the mirror I don't really see a difference. I just keep reminding myself that "it takes 4 weeks for you to see a difference, 8 weeks for friends and family, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world." I know that if I stick to this at the end of these first 28 days I will be able to see and feel a difference! I know that my clothes will be loose, my face will be thinner and I will be feeling so good! And the end of the next 28 days...even better! 28 days at a time I am going to get thinner, healthier, in shape and feel better about myself and what I see whe I look in the mirror! And next week I'll start working out more consistently so that will help too!

Today I had the chewy chocolate chip granola bar which I thought was going to be good, but I didn't really like it. I probably won't order it again because I like the muffins much better! I had my energizing shake for my morning snack. For lunch I had my veggies and the spicy kung pao noodles. I didn't have high hopes for the noodles because I read on other blog that they weren't very good, so I was pleasantly surprised because they were good! They weren't amazing or anything but they were good. I think maybe adding some cooked onions to it as the veggie (or really any cooked veggies) would probably be good so I'll do that next time! The Kung pao noodles weren't in the fast 5 kit, I took them from my order since I ruined one of the lunches so I was short a lunch. I had my craving crusher shake for afternoon snack and veggies with chicken pasta Parmesan for dinner, it was ok, not great but not bad.

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Nutrisystem day 6

Today I had the cinnamon streusel muffin for breakfast and it was really good! I had my energizing shake for snack and I love how easy it to take on the go. J had gymboree this morning and I knew I wanted to have it after that but didn't want to wait until I got home so I just put ice and water in my shaker and took the shake packet. I left it in the car and mixed it as soon as I got into the car after his class and drank it on the way home! For lunch I had veggies with cheddar broccoli rice. It was ok, but not very good. I don't think I cooked it right. Your supposed to cook it at 40% power for 2 1/2 minutes and it should be at a rapid boil. Well I couldn't figure out how to change the power setting and I thought I did and it was taking forever and not boiling do I reset the power back to what it was before and it came to a boil quickly and overflowed a little. Anyways it's just not as tasty as some of the other foods I've had so far, but it wasn't gross or anything like that!

I had my craving crusher shake for afternoon snack and then for dinner I had my veggies and the thick crust pizza. It was good!

My bestie wanted to do something tonight and her suggestion was to go to a bar/restaurant that we like and I quickly told her "sorry I can't. I'm doing nutrisystem and I really want to stick to it!" So we came up with another idea and we're going to see 50 shades of grey! I'm excited! Although usually we'd go eat and drink before the movie and it's a little hard to change your mindset. Going out to eat and drink is a very common social thing to do when I get together with friends and family so it's going to be a challenge to find things to do that aren't centered around eating and drinking.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I thought I should quickly explain how I make my veggies! I buy the Normandy blend big bag of frozen veggies from Walmart. It has broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, squash and carrots in it. I set the over to 425*, line baking sheets with foil and spray lightly with oil, dump veggies on in a single layer, season, spray lights with oil and put in the oven. I usually use ms. Dash seasonings, I think I used the garlic and herb one this time. Check them about every 15 minutes and flip. And then I divide them into servings into Tupperware or sandwhich bags and put them in the fridge so I can just grab 1 serving at a time! Well technically 2 servings because 1/2 cooked = 1 serving and I'm supposed to have 4 servings a day so I just have 1 cup at lunch and at dinner and that counts as my 4 servings! This last time I cooked them in glass baking dishes and they didn't turn out as well as cooking them on foil (they were soggy!) so I'll stick with foil from now on. After these are gone I'll probably do asparagus for a few days and maybe brussel sprouts.

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Nutrisystem day 5

Today for breakfast I had a blueberry muffin. I don't really like blueberries but it was good. All the muffins I've had so far haven't been dry, they've been good! I had my energizing shake for morning snack, veggies and a chocolate peanut butter bar for lunch which was really good, tasted more like dessert then lunch so no complaints there! For dinner I had rotini and meatballs and veggies. It was good, I would have loved to pile Parmesan cheese on it but I didn't! The Girl Scout cookies are still tempting me but not as bad as yesterday...I've only thought about them maybe twice today...although I'm sure in an hour or 2 they'll be calling my name!
Only picture I took today was of dinner and it was after I ate my veggies! Here's the rotini with meatballs!

This morning J had his kid co class so I didn't walk this morning and I didn't do a workout video either but after my ex picked J up I put the baby (I'll have to figure out something to call him, his name also starts with a J so I can't call him that!) into the stroller and walked around our buildings twice and got the mail. It was just a short 15 minute walk, but better then nothing. Our area isn't really a great place to walk or I would have gotten in a better walk. Goal (one of them) for when we move (our lease is up in September and we want to try to find a small 3 bedroom house to rent) is to be in a better neighborhood where we can just walk out the front door and go on a good walk! A park within walking distance would be a major bonus too!

Usually J goes to his dad's Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, which are also the days I babysit, when we first separated we did it that way because I was also watching another families kids weekday afternoon from 2-6 (but usually later) and it was easier for him to be with his dad those days. Now that I don't watch them and he's older and actually plays and enjoys the other boy I watch I started thinking it would be better to have him go to his dad's on Mondays and Wednesday's because then 1. The boys can play together and we can go to the park and stuff like that in the afternoons and 2. I get some me time! I talked to my x about it today and he said that was fine and agrees it's better for the boys to be able to play together. So now I'll be able to go to the gym on those days (unless I end up having the baby I watch, which happens occasionally). Right now every other Saturday is really the only time I'm childless since the rest of the time I have my son, the baby I watch, or both! So it'll be so nice to have 2 afternoons a week to myself, I know I'll miss my son, but I will enjoy that time and I know I need it!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Nutrisystem day 4

I gave in and weighed myself this morning and I was totally expecting to be disappointed...but I was pleasantly surprised...I'm already down 2 pounds!!! So motivating to see the scale moving! 2 pounds in 3 days...I'll happily take that! Hopefully I can at least double it by Saturday's weigh in! And I'm planning on really trying to workout everyday for the rest of the week so that should help!

For breakfast I had the blueberry lemon bar:

It was ok. Not great but not too bad. I didn't really like the blueberry/lemon combo.

For lunch I was planning on having the Mexican tortilla soup...well it has beans in it (which I don't like) and your supposed to add the flavoring, add water and stir before cooking and since it was just loose I dumped it out and picked out all the beans and then added the sauce and water to what was left and heated it up....I would NOT advise doing that! I guess it messed with the water to food ratio or something because it overflowed all over the microwave! Oops! So I trashed it and had the three cheese chicken (with my veggies of course). And since I won't be eating one of my meals on Sunday I'll just sub that for saturday since I'm short a lunch now! The three cheese chicken was good! I would definitely order it again! Every time I make one of these in the cups I always think about those cup of noodle things or whatever they're called and think "there's no way this is going to taste good" and so far I've been really pleasantly surprised by how good they are!

For dinner I had the turkey sausage and bacon rigatoni and it was ok. I'm not big on pastas with white sauces (like the Alfredo one last night) so that's why I didn't love it and wouldn't order it again. I had it with my veggies of course!

And now I am trying REALLY hard to ignore the Girl Scout cookies that are in the other room...I ordered some from my niece to support her Girl Scout troop and picked them up today and now I really want a Samoa! I'm going to try REALLY hard to not open the box until these first 28 days are over and the rest of the boxes I'm going to give away (I ordered 6 boxes). I'm giving my grandma the other box of samoas and if she opens them this weekend when we go out to dinner for my sisters birthday I will have one...otherwise I will wait! And then maybe treat myself to one every day that I workout until the whole box is gone? That might be a good idea to let myself have a little treat and reward without going overboard!

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nutrisystem day 3

Today is day 3! I'm still going strong! Last night I did go to bed hungry, but it wasn't too bad. I've decided that for this fast 5 week I'll do daily posts and then starting next week I'll do weekly posts with a brief daily description and weigh in!

I didn't work out Sunday or Monday but today I did! I did a good 20 minute workout video (body back video from strollerstrides) and a few free weight arm exercises with 8 lb weights. I thought I'd have less energy and feel sluggish this week since I'm eating a pretty low amount of calories a day but today I've actually had a lot of energy. I cleaned up/out and organized the toys in the living room and the stuff on the bookshelf and worked out! Proud of myself today! Hoping for a nice long walk (maybe jog a little) tomorrow morning with J since I won't be babysitting!

3 days (sometimes more) I babysit a little boy (he's 6 months younger then J). His mom is a nurse and works 12 hour shifts so I go over there Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 6:30 and she has to be at work at 6:45. Her older daughter (9 year old) can't be dropped off at school until 7:30 so I stay there with the kids for about 45 minutes and then take her to school and bring him here. Luckily J is still asleep and I just leave the monitor with my mom and the school is like 5 minutes away from my house (on the way back to my house from their house). I usually have him until 8-9pm. I also watch him Friday or Saturday (every other weekend she has her older daughter so she works Friday's those weeks and when she doesn't have her she works Saturday's. On those days I just go and pick up the baby because her daughter at at her dads and I just come straight home. When I have him on Fridays I pick up her daughter at school and have her for the evening too. It's pretty easy, my J and the baby get along well and will be best buddies when they get a little older and the older girl is very easy. It's just very long days! And I definitely need coffee in the mornings! So since I'm trying not to drink coffee right now I got these to put in my water first thing in the morning. They only have 10 calories per packet (1/2 a packet is one serving but I use the whole packet in a larger water bottle), no sugar, carbs, or anything else other then b vitamins and caffeine! It's pretty yummy too! So this should get me thru until I get to have my energizing shake for my morning snack!

Sticking with my plan of choosing the least appetizing (to me) foods I went with the cinnamon raisin bar for breakfast because I don't like raisins! It was actually pretty good and I would recommend it if you like raisins, however I will not be ordering it again because I don't. You couldn't even really taste the raisins, but just knowing they're in there grosses me out (like I said I'm VERY picky).

For lunch I had 1 cup of veggies and the trail mix bar. This was another one I want looking forward to because it has raisins in it I couldn't even taste the raisins and it was good! I actually might consider ordering it again!

For dinner I had my veggies with chicken Alfredo. I wasn't looking forward to the chicken Alfredo because I don't like chicken Alfredo but it was actually pretty good! I love that the foods are tasty and not bland! They definitely taste better then lean cuisines or smart ones! I remembered to take a pic after I had already eaten my veggies!

I'm seriously so excited about getting to have desserts next week! It's so hard to eat dinner and think "this is the last thing I can eat today" it'll be nice to have a little "treat" to look forward to for when I'm watching tv at night after J goes to bed!

I'm really tempted to weigh myself tomorrow. I really want to see a change, a lower number, even a pound, but I'm trying to talk myself out of it because 1. I started my period today and I think that'll give me an incorrect weight and 2. If that is the case I know I'll be disappointed because I feel like I'm doing SO good! On the other hand if I do see a lower weight it'll help keep my motivation up and confirm that my hard work is paying off. So we'll see if I give in or not.

And I just have to say "my fitness pal" app is pretty darn encouraging! Under 210 in 5 weeks...that would be awesome!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Nutrisystem day 2!

Today is day 2 on NS. Day 1 went great. I stayed in track and didn't cheat at all! I'm not gonna lie tho I was SO tempted last night. There was a bag of butterfinger bites on the kitchen counter and I know there are only a few left in there and I thought to myself "just one won't hurt anything right?...NO!!" I turned off the kitchen light and went upstairs to bed! I'm proud of myself for that! And I didn't not weigh myself yesterday morning on day 1 so I weighed myself this morning and was at horrible bad considering that about 1-2 weeks after I gave birth to j I was under 200, I think about 197. And the weight has just slowly crept up from there over the past 18 months. I was around 215 for a long time and then gained another 15 pounds...I never want 230 or higher on the scale again so hopefully it well be in the 220's on my next weigh in and just keep going down from there. It took a long time to put this weight on (I've been slowly gaining over the past 7ish years) so it's not going to just come off right away, it's a slow process and I need to remember that. I want to be able to look back in 6 months and be proud of how far I've come! I've got this!

Anyways moving on to today! Oh! And I want to add I haven't had coffee. I usually have at least one cup of coffee every morning, which isn't necessarily bad but I like it with creamer...lots of I'm really trying not to have any. The energizing shake that I get to have for my am snack is really helping I think and I'm pretty sure I'll be adding those to my next order! For breakfast today I had the Harvest Nut Bar which I actually didn't think I was going to like (I'm a really picky eater) and I was shocked that it wasn't that bad! Actually better then most protein/diet bars I've tried! I then had my energizing shake on the way to take J to play at a kids play place. For lunch I had a cup of veggies and the White Bean Chicken Chili. This came in the fast 5 which is pre selected so I didn't get to choose the the name of this alone I would not have chosen it because I don't like beans. But this actually isn't that bad. It's really spicy tho, but I was able to eat it and tolerate the beans, but I wouldn't choose it again because of the beans. Here's lunch:

I had my craving crusher shake for my afternoon snack and then for dinner I had 1 cup of veggies and white bean chicken chili for dinner. Today I decided to pick the foods I don't think I'll like or that I wouldn't really pick so that by the end of the week I'll have to good stuff that sounds good left. I think that by the end of the week my motivation might start to waiver and I might be more tempted to cheat and if all I have left is food I know I won't like then I'll be less likely to eat it. I was so not looking forward to this dinner. I ended up eating only the chicken and not the beans, it wasn't very good and now I'm hungry, but oh well. Tomorrow will be better! I've stuck to it though so I'm proud of myself! Day 2 down!

I decided to add the energizing shake and cravings crusher shakes to next months order! And I might see if I can order them online for the rest of this month. I really like them and they are so easy to have for snacks!

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Sunday, February 22, 2015


I've really been struggling with following and sticking to a diet. I find myself finding new diets to try thinking it'll be the one and I don't stick to it. I start out on a Monday doing great but by midweek I'm tied of the food I'm eating and I end up eating something I shouldn't and figure oh well I'll just make this a cheat meal, which turns into a cheat week and then I swear I'll start again Monday and stick to's a vicious cycle. The only thing I've actually stuck to for longer then a week and lost weight on was jenny Craig. It was before the ex and I separated and it was too expensive to do that and still have to buy food and cook for him too. I liked how easy it was-pick your food, eat it, lose weight. I decided to look into nutrisystem, which is something I wanted to do awhile ago but thought was too expensive. I thought I'd compare it to jenny Craig and if it was cheaper I'd do it. Well it's cheaper then jenny Craig and you get 28 days of food instead of 7. My schedule is unpredictable so having to go in to jc every week on a set day at a set time to met with my coach and get my food was hard. So I like being able to get 28 days of meals all at once. It's not cheap but considering how much I spend at the grocery store each week it will end up saving me money. And it's practically half the cost of jc.

So I stated today with the fast 5. The fast 5 is a pre-packaged box that contains 7 breakfasts, lunches and dinners. And also 7 energizing and 7 craving crusher shakes. You also need to have 4 servings of veggies a day. I chose a plan where I can choose what I want to eat so the rest of my food was in the box and the first 5 box was in there too. The fast 5 is supposed to help you lose 5 pounds the first week and after that you add more to your daily diet. You get 3 "powerfuels" which are high quality proteins (lean meats, fish, yogurt, nuts, cheese, eggs), 1 "smartcarb" which is bread, fruit, grains, pasta, starchy veggie), and up to 3 "extras" (avacado, condiments, fat free creamer, cream cheese, dressing), and then there's a list of free foods like herbs, lemon and lime juice, mustard, salsa, soy sauce, spices, vinegar.

You get a special tracking book for the fast 5:

And a little tracking book for the rest of the month:

I like that in the back of the tracker it has lists of the "powerfuels", "smartcarbs", etc.

They have lots of options for foods and I'm really excited and hopeful for this month! I'd like to lose at least 10 pounds this month but am truly hoping for a lose of more like 15 pounds! Your also supposed to do 30 minutes of activity per day. I'm going to aim to a minimum of 30 minutes but hopefully more! I'd like to try to go on a walk everyday and do a workout video too. It'll be nice to just do whatever I feel like and not follow a specific program. I might do some of the 21 day fix workouts or find something else that looks good.

I started today and had a surprisingly good double chocolate muffin for breakfast. It didn't taste like diet food at all! I heated it in the microwave for a few seconds and it was moist and yummy. I had the energizing shake for snack and it didn't taste as bad as I was expecting! I want wonderful, but not too bad either. For lunch I had the loaded baked potato lunch and it was ok, the texture kinda surprised me and I wasn't thrilled with it but I think it's something I'll get used to and the taste wasn't bad. I also had 1 cup of veggies which counts as 2 servings (cauliflower, carrots, zucchini and squash). I'll have a cravings crusher shake for a snack in a few hours and then dinner a few hours after that. For dinner I had the Italian flatbed pizza with 1 cup of veggies. The pizza was really good! Small but yummy. I actually felt really full after dinner and today I only felt hungry as it got close to being time to eat again. The foods/portion sizes you eat don't keep you full for very long but luckily this diet has you eating every few hours. I ate dinner at about 6 and now it's 8:30 and I do feel hungry but it's probably because I'm used to eating around this time at night. While I watch tv I usually snack on junk that I shouldn't be eating. I'll probably go to bed pretty soon so I can avoid the temptation to find crap to eat and cheat. I really want to stick to this and I'm determined to! And it never hurts to get more sleep! I'll finish my fast 5 on Saturday and then on Sunday we are going to Olive Garden for dinner for my sisters birthday. That will be my only "cheat" that I'm allowing myself to have during these 28 days. I really want to get the most out of this program and I'll get out of it what I put into it. I feel that if I really stick to it I will get results. I know it will take more then 28 days to lose the weight I want and need to lose so I will probably do this program a few times, if this first 28 days goes as well as I'm hoping it will!

I love that other then making the veggies there isn't really much I have to do or think about. At meal time I just pick which item I want to eat. And just warm it up. I also like that there are bars as breakfast and lunch options so if I'm not going to be home for these meals I can just take one with me!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Tonight (2/11/15) is J's first night sleeping with a pillow and I don't think he quite gets the concept yet!
I started putting a little pillow in his crib awhile back and he didn't really understand the concept and didn't use it. It ended up in a box next to his bed with blankets in it and he recently found it so I put it in his crib and he laid his head on it and snuggled! Now he understands the concept of it and will lay his head down on pillows on the couch or my bed and get comfy, it's so cute. So when I put this bigger (normal size, but it's bigger then his little pillow he had) in there he laid his head on it and snuggled right in!

The pillow is on the left side of him. He started with his head on the pillow and moved so his back is on the edge of the pillow!

When I went to bed he was like this:

He moved down further right after I took this so he didn't sleep with his head up against the pillow like that!

Night #2 and he's doing better with the pillow!

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