Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Nutrisystem day 3

Today is day 3! I'm still going strong! Last night I did go to bed hungry, but it wasn't too bad. I've decided that for this fast 5 week I'll do daily posts and then starting next week I'll do weekly posts with a brief daily description and weigh in!

I didn't work out Sunday or Monday but today I did! I did a good 20 minute workout video (body back video from strollerstrides) and a few free weight arm exercises with 8 lb weights. I thought I'd have less energy and feel sluggish this week since I'm eating a pretty low amount of calories a day but today I've actually had a lot of energy. I cleaned up/out and organized the toys in the living room and the stuff on the bookshelf and worked out! Proud of myself today! Hoping for a nice long walk (maybe jog a little) tomorrow morning with J since I won't be babysitting!

3 days (sometimes more) I babysit a little boy (he's 6 months younger then J). His mom is a nurse and works 12 hour shifts so I go over there Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 6:30 and she has to be at work at 6:45. Her older daughter (9 year old) can't be dropped off at school until 7:30 so I stay there with the kids for about 45 minutes and then take her to school and bring him here. Luckily J is still asleep and I just leave the monitor with my mom and the school is like 5 minutes away from my house (on the way back to my house from their house). I usually have him until 8-9pm. I also watch him Friday or Saturday (every other weekend she has her older daughter so she works Friday's those weeks and when she doesn't have her she works Saturday's. On those days I just go and pick up the baby because her daughter at at her dads and I just come straight home. When I have him on Fridays I pick up her daughter at school and have her for the evening too. It's pretty easy, my J and the baby get along well and will be best buddies when they get a little older and the older girl is very easy. It's just very long days! And I definitely need coffee in the mornings! So since I'm trying not to drink coffee right now I got these to put in my water first thing in the morning. They only have 10 calories per packet (1/2 a packet is one serving but I use the whole packet in a larger water bottle), no sugar, carbs, or anything else other then b vitamins and caffeine! It's pretty yummy too! So this should get me thru until I get to have my energizing shake for my morning snack!

Sticking with my plan of choosing the least appetizing (to me) foods I went with the cinnamon raisin bar for breakfast because I don't like raisins! It was actually pretty good and I would recommend it if you like raisins, however I will not be ordering it again because I don't. You couldn't even really taste the raisins, but just knowing they're in there grosses me out (like I said I'm VERY picky).

For lunch I had 1 cup of veggies and the trail mix bar. This was another one I want looking forward to because it has raisins in it I couldn't even taste the raisins and it was good! I actually might consider ordering it again!

For dinner I had my veggies with chicken Alfredo. I wasn't looking forward to the chicken Alfredo because I don't like chicken Alfredo but it was actually pretty good! I love that the foods are tasty and not bland! They definitely taste better then lean cuisines or smart ones! I remembered to take a pic after I had already eaten my veggies!

I'm seriously so excited about getting to have desserts next week! It's so hard to eat dinner and think "this is the last thing I can eat today" it'll be nice to have a little "treat" to look forward to for when I'm watching tv at night after J goes to bed!

I'm really tempted to weigh myself tomorrow. I really want to see a change, a lower number, even a pound, but I'm trying to talk myself out of it because 1. I started my period today and I think that'll give me an incorrect weight and 2. If that is the case I know I'll be disappointed because I feel like I'm doing SO good! On the other hand if I do see a lower weight it'll help keep my motivation up and confirm that my hard work is paying off. So we'll see if I give in or not.

And I just have to say "my fitness pal" app is pretty darn encouraging! Under 210 in 5 weeks...that would be awesome!

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