Monday, February 25, 2013

12 weeks!!!

It's hard to believe that I'm 3 months pregnant! 12 weeks feels like a milestone! I still don't feel very pregnant though. I can't wait for my tummy to really start showing and feeling harder, then it'll seem more real! I decided to do the generic pregnancy blog outline that I've seen in lots of other blogs. I think it'll be good to be consistent and update the same things each week so I can look back and see how my pregnancy changed from week to week. I was trying to do my updates on Sundays when my weeks change, but I was having a hard time with that. I don't usually get dressed on Sundays (just wear sweats) and I usually do laundry so the pj pants and black tank are always in the wash and I don't really want to put a bra on. So it's been easier to do the picture Monday morning so I just decided I'm going to do my weekly updates on Mondays!

How far along? 12 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: down about 12 pounds last time I weighed myself

Maternity clothes? I've been wearing 2 maternity tanks and a pair of maternity jeans, mainly because they are more comfortable then actually needing to wear them. My work pants are getting a little tighter in the waist but lose everywhere else!

Sleep: not too bad, but I have crazy dreams! Sometimes I feel exhausted when I wake up from the dreams. And last night I lost count of how many times I had to get up to pee, usually it's only once or twice but last night was like 4-6 times!

Best moment this week: being 3 months pregnant. Getting the babies room almost all the way cleaned out (it was my craft/sewing room)

Movement: not yet, can't wait for it

Food cravings: orange juice

Gender: I think it's a girl, but well find out in 6 weeks

Labor Signs: nope

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: having a glass of wine! And Starbucks (not decaf)

What I am looking forward to: my ob appointment at 14 weeks and then the gender ultrasound at 18 weeks. AND we're going to a big baby, kid, and maternity consignment sale this weekend so I'm super excited about that!

Milestones: being 12 weeks pregnant!

12 weeks:

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trend lab first glance review

So I've decided to cloth diaper. We probably won't really newborn cloth diaper. Usually newborns are too small for the one size diapers I plan on using so people will buy a "newborn stash" of cloth diapers to use until the baby can fit into there normal stash. Well we plan on (hopefully) going to CA a few weeks after the baby is born for my younger brothers wedding and I think that getting the hang of taking care of a newborn, and traveling with a newborn, and staying with my in-laws while we are there will be more then enough to handle without getting the hang of cloth diapering too. I just think disposables will make the trip a lot easier. When were home I will cloth diaper with whatever I have that fits the baby, but I don't want to invest in a whole "newborn stash". So I'm focusing on building my one size stash. I've made a few diapers and I've ordered a few different kinds so far and I got one of them in the mail yesterday! I plan on doing a first glance review of my opinion of each diaper just mainly by looks and feel and then after the baby is born doing an update to review how it actually functions!

It's a Trend Lab, which I hadn't really heard of, but I was on sale through a deal website (totsy). It's supper soft. I did look up the brand and they make gender specific and diapers for all. The boy ones have more absorbency in the front, and for girls in the middle, the gender neutral ones have more absorbency throughout. The one I got is gender neutral.
Here it is on the smallest setting. I think it'll be WAY to big for a newborn. And it doesn't look very trim.

I LOVE that it can snap onto the wing though so you can get a more snug fit:

Most snap diapers don't have overlapping snaps on the wings so the smallest you can go is like this:

It has 3 rows of rise snaps so here's the largest setting:

The inside is super soft

And the insert snaps to the front

The insert is pretty thick and seems like it would be very absorbent and I like that it had elastic in the edges if the insert, it seems like it would hold in more

I like it by the look, I can't wait to try it out on the baby and see how it works!
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More on 11 weeks

I finally got around to give my 11 week update. The past week or 2 has just been really weird. I just don't really feel pregnant. The symptoms I have could easily be normal non-pregnant things, like tiredness (but not super exhausted or anything) and constipation. I have started to feel a little dizzy/light headed when I get hungry. I know there's a little baby growing in there, but it seems so surreal, like maybe I imagined it all, maybe it was all just a dream and everything is the same it was a few months ago. It's hard to explain. I know I'm pregnant but at the same time I feel like I'm not. I'm sure once I actually start showing I will feel better about it!

I have been having crazy dreams though! I wake up throughout the night going "what the heck?!" And then trying to get comfortable and fall back to sleep. So I haven't been sleeping so well. I wake up in the morning remembering them until I completely wake up and then I pretty much can't remember the dreams but I still know they were crazy! It's kind if exhausting!

My appetite had been all over the place. Usually I get full a lot more quickly then I used to but one day last week I just couldn't stop eating! I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast then I was starving on the way to work at 11:30 so I got a grilled chicken sandwich and small fry from mcdonalds, then at work on my lunch at 3:30 I was so starving. I ate my bagel with cream cheese and strawberries, then my the time I got off work, about 8:30) I was hungry again and picked up Panda Express on the way home. I can't believe how much I ate that day! Usually I'll have my smoothie, bagel with fruit, and then something for dinner and maybe fruit snacks or crackers in there during the day as snacks and that's more then enough. I'm glad I only had 1 day like that! And on the opposite end of that yesterday I made pizza English muffins (English muffins cut in half with pizza sauce, cheese, and pepperoni) I had 1 (so half an English muffin) and some salt and vinegar chips at around 11 am and then we went to Tgifridays for an early dinner around 4 and I was hungry but we shared spinach and artichoke dip and I ordered tacos and I was barley able to finish one of them (comes with 3) I was so full. And that's all I ate yesterday and it was more then enough.

I really want to start working out. I'd like to go to the gym, but I'm just to tired for that. I really want to walk our dog but its still been to cold out (it snowed last night and is supposed to snow tomorrow and Saturday). I have a set if hand weights and I really want to start doing a few arm exercises and maybe a few squats and lunges everyday, but its just a matter of actually doing it. I'd love to tone up my arms for the upcoming summer months!

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Monday, February 18, 2013

11 Weeks!!!

More to come, maybe tomorrow, I have a headache and am so tired tonight. Here's this weeks pic!

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

OB appointment

My first OB appointment went really well. Josh couldn't get away from work to go, which was fine. I had to wait like 45 minutes because the dr was in a delivery, but it wasn't too bad. The dr is really nice and he did an ultrasound. The first one I've had on my stomach, which was cool but I wasn't that impressed because the vaginal ultrasounds I had previously show a lot more detail and you can hear the heartbeat better. But it's always nice to see and hear my baby! He said he's not concerned about the weight I've lost, he said as long as baby is growing and healthy it's fine. He said at my weight it would be perfectly healthy to only gain 10 pounds by the end. I have my next appointment in 4 weeks and then 4 weeks after that, at 18 weeks, I'll have another ultrasound and be able to find out the gender! We are just going to wait until then to find out and not go to the other place at 16 weeks. It's only 2 weeks, but I'm sure I'll be going crazy! Oh well!

They also gave me a bag of stuff. Magazines, samples of Huggies diaper and wipes, formula, nursing pads, milk storage bags, coupons, and the book "what to expect while your expecting". I thought that was pretty neat! Yay for free baby stuff! The little diaper is SO tiny! I forgot how itty bitty newborns are, it's been about 5 years since I've held a newborn!

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Monday, February 11, 2013

10 weeks!!!

Double digits!!! Yay! 1/4 of the way done! Craziness!!!

Things have been the same. Just really tired, other then that feeling good. I lost another pound this past week, so I'm down 12 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I know I'm eating plenty so I'm going to talk to the dr about it at my first OB appointment tomorrow to see what he thinks. Since I'm overweight I don't think it's a problem, as long as the baby is healthy and growing. I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm just trying to eat healthy even though I've been eating more fast food then I should, so I'm not really worried about it. Its weird though. I thought I'd struggle with gaining too much weight during my pregnancy, but it's the opposite so far.

I'm excited for my OB appointment tomorrow! I'm hoping they'll let me know when I'll have an ultrasound and if it's not until 18 or later then I want to schedule a gender ultrasound for 16 weeks. There's a place at the hospital that does it for $30! And if that's the case I want to take my vacation that week! We can go register, start decorating the nursery, start working on sewing projects for the baby, go shopping!!! I told Josh that I want to go to the outlets as soon as we find out what baby is so I can shop at the Carter's, Oshkosh, and baby gap outlets! I seriously can not wait to find out what baby is so I can start buying stuff! It might be dangerous!

I also looked up consignment sales online and found out that the expo center nearby has a huge baby, kids, maternity consignment sale at the beginning of march! I won't know what baby is yet, but I can see if I can get some maternity clothes, and neutral baby stuff!

10 weeks! I definitely have a bump going on!

And here's a comparison, 6 weeks & 10 weeks. I think I look thinner (above my belly) but my tummy looks more like a baby bump!

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My little gummy bear!

And the ultrasound pic from 6 weeks next to today's:

Today I am 9 weeks3days and baby measured 9weeks4days! Everything looks perfect! It doesn't look like a blob anymore. You can distinguish its head, body, and arm and leg buds. It's little arm and leg buds were moving around, at one point it looked like it was waving at us! It has a strong healthy heartbeat that was 167 bpm today. I have officially graduated from my RE! I'll miss them, the dr, nurse and front office girl were all so nice! I feel like the dr took extra time during the ultrasound to let us see the baby and show us different parts, like today where the brain is forming! I'm hoping that I will really like my OB. I have my first appointment next week. I'm hoping I'll get another ultrasound before the 20 week NT scan, but I have no idea what this OB will do. I'm hoping they will give me some idea at my appointment next week so that I can schedule the gender ultrasound at another place if I won't have another ultrasound until 20 weeks through my OB. There's a place at the hospital I'm going to deliver at that does gender ultrasounds at 16 weeks for $30! Which is Sunday march 24th. I have a week of vacation that I have to use before april so I'm thinking about taking that whole week, scheduling the gender ultrasound for Monday the 25th. And having the rest of the week to enjoy it and start buying baby stuff! And maybe painting the nursery! I know either way I want to paint the nursery gray, I just have to figure out what color gray! For a boy I plan on adding blue and maybe yellow, and for a girl pink and teal! I can't wait to find out what this little gummy bear is!!!

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

9 weeks!!!

9 weeks means I'm technically in my tenth week, which means double digits! 7 more weeks until we can find out if baby is a boy or a girl!

I have my second ultrasound with the RE on Wednesday! I can't wait to see my little bean! Would it be weird if I asked her if I could record babies heartbeat on my phone? That way I could listen to it whenever I want! After the ultrasound I "graduate" from the clinic and start seeing a regular OB! I have my first OB appointment next Tuesday.

Yesterday I spend my morning shopping by myself! It was great! I went to Joann's fabric and bought the babyville cloth diaper book, snap tool, snaps, Velcro and elastic to start making cloth diapers! I already had bought the fabric at my work. Then I went to this store kid 2 kid I've been wanting to check out. They sell used kid and baby stuff. It was really nice and VERY clean. I bought a pair of maternity jeans, a really cute top and a boppy pillow for $22!!! That's crazy! I was so happy! I can't wait to find out what baby is so I can shop for baby there! I also went to kohls, old navy, and target. I had gift cards to kohls and target and I was hoping to find some maternity cloths, but I was so disappointed with there maternity selections! So I will save the gift cards for baby stuff :)! Old navy wasn't much better but I bought 2 maternity tank tops (I'm wearing the black one in this weeks pic).

After my shopping I spent my afternoon sewing! I made bib and burp cloth sets for some gifts and I made extra burp cloths to keep for myself for baby! I also sewed some un-paper towels. Almost like cloth napkins to use instead of paper towels. And today I made my first cloth diaper! I'm not loving the different sizes of the babyville ones but I will make a few of them in each size. I think I like the all in one adjustable ones so I ordered a pattern on etsy to make those! Here's the babyville newborn size one I made today:

The inside liner has a pocket where you put the insert/soaker.

Pretty good for my first attempt! Now that I've made one and have the hang of it I think it'll just get easier with each one.

My jeans have been feeling tighter and I was sure I had gained weight. I've been afraid to weigh myself but I'm sure the OB will weigh my so I wanted to know how bad it I stepped on the scale and was shocked. I'm 10 pounds less then I was last time I weighed myself, which was before I got pregnant! That's crazy! So I guess my jeans feeling tighter on my waist is pregnancy bloat/baby! That's awesome! I know that you need to gain weight during pregnancy, but I have plenty extra so I'm sure losing some wont hurt. I'm eating healthier (usually) then I did before I was pregnant and I know I'm eating plenty. And I think my belly is starting to look more like a baby bump and less like fat.

Here's my 9 week pic:

And just because its funny here's my belly mid-day yesterday, just to show how it gets bigger throughout the day, then back to normal the next morning! I was trying on my new maternity jeans and tank top!

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Pregnant girl problems

So I still haven't really been sick (yay! Considering myself super lucky). The only time I feel nauseous is when I get hungry. One minute I will be not hungry at all, the next I'm starving and feel like I'm going to puke if I don't eat something RIGHT THIS SECOND. It's really weird. There's no "I'm starting to get a little hungry" it's just suddenly I'm starving. So I try to keep snacks in my locker at work for suck occasions and even if I just eat a couple crackers or a packet of fruit snacks I feel better.

I guess I have to say my major symptom is gas. It's ridiculous! I pretty much constantly have gas pains no matter what I eat and have to fart all the. It's horrible. And I'm still constipated. So I can dart like champ, but can't poop. It's fun!

I've also noticed the last couple days that by the end of the day my stomach is about twice as big as it is in the morning. I know I already have a little tummy because I'm overweight, but in the morning it's just my normal stomach. After lunch I've started to notice that I feel bigger and my stomach feels heavier. And after dinner I feel huge and my stomach looks huge! It's crazy. And it's not like I'm eating crazy amounts of food. Just normal meals throughout the day. And then the next morning it's back to normal. Strange.

I'm still on the progesterone suppositories for about 1 more week, my doctor has me on them as a precautionary measure. They don't hurt anything, can only help. Well Friday night I worked until 9 pm and I was sure I have 1 more pad and figured I'd go shopping on Saturday and get more, well I got home and the box was empty. I had used the last one the night before. I hate pads and haven't used them since I first started my period. I always used tampons, so this was my first time in like 15+ years that I ever ran out of pads when I needed one! Lol. I didn't take the progesterone last night, and I'm sure 1 night won't hurt!

I also feel like I'm losing my mind. I forget stuff all the time, I guess that's what pregnancy does to your brain!

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