Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Back to work and other randomness

I started working for josh this week, and while it's easy work, I still hate being away from Jackson.

The work is simple but I'm training with a girl in the store she works at so the challenging part will be going into other stores on my own and trying to figure out where everything is and who I need to talk to. I'm going to be working in 2-3 other stores with her today and tomorrow so that might help, but I know every store will be different.

The other challenge is pumping in my car. It just kinda sucks. I would like to pump every 3 hours but I can't go more then 4 hours. It would just be easier some days to get in and get the work done without having to take a break. But I have to do what I have to do. There's no way I'm going to give up breast feeding. Pumping just sucks in general. It's not so bad doing it at night when Jackson has his bed time bottle, but having to do it 3-4 times a day sucks! I'd much rather nurse my baby. But oh well. And I'm still pumping in the middle of the night, I get 8+ oz, which gives me enough to freeze for 1 bottle and have extra to make up for when I don't get enough during the day. Like last night (at bedtime) I didn't get enough for 1 bottle but at 3am I got enough to add to it to make a full bottle and freeze 6 oz! He eats 5 oz usually but I give 6oz for his bedtime bottle. So as much as it sucks to wake up at 3ish am it's worth it to me to build my freezer stash. And I wake up on my own engorged and in pain from by boobs being full so I don't even have to set an alarm. It's just hard and so tiring when I'm not getting enough sleep. Usually Jackson will wake up/fuss at around 5am. Usually I let him fuss for a little while and see if he falls back to sleep. Lately I've sometimes been going in and nursing him in his room and then putting him back to bed. This morning he woke up at 5:45, I went and nursed him until 6:15 and then he slept until almost 7:30. Not great but better then being up and awake at 6:15. Now he's sleeping on my chest.

My mom was gone for a week and when she got back Saturday evening Jackson didn't recognize her at first! I had him on my lap facing me and my mom sat on the couch next to me and started talking to him. He looked at her then back at me and starting pouting and then he would look at her and start to do his whine/cry thing. Not full long crying, just short bursts of a whiny cry. She just sat and talked to him for awhile and he warmed up to her. Josh and I went to ikea on Sunday to get more furniture for our living room that were re doing. He was napping in his crib when we left and I was so worried he'd cry when he woke up and saw her, but he woke up happy and was happy with her!

His hair is growing little by little! I brushed it up into little fuzzy stripes after his bath lol:

He's VERY interested in the animals these days. He loves to touch/grab/pet the cats and he watches the dogs, especially Sadie, so intently. Here he is with Lucy.

I didn't get any pictures but last night I put him into his jumper and watching him play really shows how much he's changed recently. There's this sun toy on it and a few weeks ago he would stare at it intently and want to grab it but couldn't coordinate his hands enough to grab it, well last night he was grabbing it and can even pull it into his mouth now! He's changing and growing so much and so quickly!

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