Friday, January 10, 2014

Big boy!

Today Josh had LASIK so my mom went with me to drop him off since he'd be there for 2-2 1/2 hours. We had planned to go to a nearby furniture store for her to look for a new couch and of course we get there a little after 9 and the don't open until 10. So we went to super target to get some things we needed and exchange some clothes from Lyly that were to small for Jackson. After his LASIK we took him back home and then we went out to lunch and shopping (my mom and I). At zupas for lunch and we used the high chair/cart cover for the first time and he got to sit on the high chair!

He loved it and loved being able to look around at everyone/everything.

We also used it in a cart:

Such a big boy!

Although he has been a stinker today and is apparently on a sleep strike. He woke up at 2:30, 3:30, 4:15 and 4:45am. At 4:45 I brought him into bed with me, nursed him and let him sleep in our bed. He slept until about 7:30. Of course I had to get up at 7 to get ready to take josh for his LASIK. Usually Jackson sleeps most of the time we are out running errands. Not today. He took a 30 minute and 15 minute nap while we where out. But he was happy and not very fussy at all. When we got home close to 4pm I put him in his crib thinking he'd take a long nap...30 minutes later he was awake. So 1 hour 15 minutes total in naps today. Not good at all. This evening he's been fussy and I know he's beyond tired. Hopefully he goes to bed easily and sleeps well tonight. I need some sleep majorly!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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