Sunday, January 5, 2014


Jackson is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings every day! When I try to take a picture of him he's so interested in my phone/camera. If I try to get a picture using the front camera on my phone he's so interested in seeing himself! Last night he was sitting on my lap and laid his head down and was snuggling with me, so I tried to take a pic and as soon as he saw the screen on my phone his head popped up!

He also notices and talks to himself in the mirror now! We look in the mirror every night at bath time and he smiles at himself! About a week ago he noticed the mirror on his car seat toys. I was in the back seat with him and his toy has and elephant with a mirror and then little toys that hand from it. He always looks at the toys but had never really paid attention to the mirror. I was watching him and he was looking up at the mirror and then smiled at himself! It was so cute!

He concentrates so hard on trying to grab things now and just in the last few days he has gotten so much better at getting his hands to to what he wants. He can intentionally touch/grab things now. He was grabbing his car seat toys at lunch on Thursday and tonight he was sitting on my lap grabbing my mouth, nose and trying to grab my glasses! And he pinches when he grabs. Ow. He also was trying to pet/grab Bella and Brody today! Poor animals don't know what they are in for in the coming months. He's also grabbing and pulling hair and necklaces now and tried to grab my earrings!

Eating solids is going ok. We stopped oatmeal because it seemed to be making him not poop! Poor boy was having HORRIBLE gas! We tried mashed banana thinned with breast milk last night and he didn't like it! It just came right back out of his mouth! I think it had a lot to do with the texture being different from the gerber pears and sweet potatoes. I tried a few bites then ended up giving him sweet potatoes, which he wasn't a big fan of last time, but liked them more this time. I bought apples and a pear and want to make some purées for him. Hopefully he'll like those! I also got an avocado for him to try.

He's doing pretty well sleeping in his crib. He goes to sleep much easier and the past few nights hasn't cried at all when I put him down for the night. I lay him down awake but very drowsy. He's usually already falling asleep by the end of his bottle. I turn on the iPod which plays white noise and I lay his glowy (glow seahorse) next to him and turn it on. He seems to really like it and I think it helps signify night night time. I make sure his bink is in and then I walk out and shut the door. Usually his bink falls out pretty quickly and that's when he used to cry, but now he just falls asleep! He still wakes up a few times in the early morning hours but it seems like he's sleeping longer and longer before that happens. Like he used to start to do that around 3 am (sometimes even earlier) and now it's more like 5 am. I try to get him to go till 7, but he's been getting his arm/arms out of his swaddle and then it's hard for him to settle himself so I usually have to go in there and re swaddle and put his bink in. Tonight (last night I guess since it's 6:30 am now) he went to bed at around 8 or 8:30 and he woke up at 5:50. I went in and nursed him and put him back in his crib and he went right back to sleep, we'll see how long he sleeps for. I'm hoping until 8, but I highly doubt it! He's doing much better about napping lately too! I try to put him in his crib for at least one nap a day and yesterday he napped from 11:30-2! 2 1/2 hours! That was a record. It's usually between 1-2 hours. He used to only take short catnaps and be super hard to get to take naps. Now all I have to do when he's tired is lay him on his tummy and put his bink in. If he's being stubborn and fighting sleep I'll pat his butt for a few minutes and he falls right to sleep. The other day play time turned into nap time!

Some picture catch up:
He woke up from a nap on our bed happy:


Needy baby, we were out running errands and the only way to keep his happy was with my hand reached back so he could hold it:

All bundled up for a walk:

Baby Houdini got one arm free:

Holding his own bottle:


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