Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

This time last year I was bringing in the new year sparkling cider in my wine glass. I remember sitting on the couch and looking at the Christmas tree and thinking about the fact that I was pregnant. And thanking God. I wanted it for so long and tired for so long and it was finally real (although not officially yet since I wouldn't have the blood test for a few more days). This past year was amazing. I enjoyed (mostly) 37 weeks of a very healthy pregnancy and delivered my perfect baby boy at 37 weeks 1 day. He's already grown and changed so much in this past 4 short months since he arrived, I can't wait to see what the next year holds...and at the same time I want to keep him little forever!

Anyways...I don't want to make New Years resolutions because I feel like they are overrated. By the middle of January you've already forgotten about them or failed at them. So I'm not starting a diet/workout regime on January 1st or anything like that. BUT I do have goals for 2014 and here they are :
*Eat healthier; aim to eat 3 smaller meals and 2 snacks a day. Eat more fruits and veggies, make healthier dinners. Eat at the dinner table as a family more often.
*Work out. Be more active. Get stronger. Even if it's just for 5 minutes aim to do something everyday to accomplish this.
*Get my sh!t together. Get more organized. Get ride of clutter.
*Keep up on household chores. Do 1 load of laundry a day (or fold what's in the basket if there isn't laundry to do). Do one chore every day. Vacuum one day. Dust another. Clean bathrooms one day. Mop floors another. Clean kitchen one day. And make a cleaning schedule for things that need to be done less often (wiping down walls and baseboards).
*Improve my marriage. Make time for each other. Go on dates. Talk to my husband more.
*Find a way to give. Somewhere to volunteer, or to give to the less fortunate.

For now that is all of them, I might think of more!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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