Saturday, December 14, 2013


This week my mom and Josh took Jackson to SAMs club while I was at work. It was his first outing without me! I was a little bummed about it but it's good for josh to take him somewhere without me...even if my mom is there too. My mom hasn't taken him anywhere because the weather has been so cold, snowy, and icy. After living in Southern California all her life she's very nervous to drive in this weather, especially with him in the car and it is tough to go out with a baby this young! So we just go shopping together when I'm not working! Like today we went to the other hobby lobby, ulta, and smiths. We also went to zupas for lunch and Jackson just sat on my lap and looked around at everything while I ate. I love how much more aware of his surroundings he's becoming! Everything catches his eye and he watches everything! It's so fun watching him grow and change everyday!

Another first was tonight. Josh and I went on our second date night, but the first one we just went to dinner and weren't gone too long. Tonight we went to dinner and then saw Thor. So nana gave J a bath! So that was a first, someone other then me or josh bathing him! And she put him to bed! Another first! We took the rock and play downstairs and she put him to bed in it and then we just carried it up with him in it! He opened his eyes once when we got up to our bedroom and then closed them and went back to sleep!

He's back to sleeping in the rock and play. Last Saturday night he slept (in his little co sleeper bed) from 8-5:40am! It was amazing. But the rest of the week just got worse and worse. Thursday night I nursed him 3 times throughout the night and he fussed many more times then that. He's still getting over this stupid cold (so am I) and he gets so stuffy during the night. So last night I thought maybe we'd have some luck if we put him in the rock and play since he'd be sleeping at an angle vs laying flat and that would help with the stuffiness...well he slept from 8-4am! And then went back to sleep until 7 after I nursed him! Yay! Success! So thankful because I needed a good nights sleep! Hopefully that will continue! I really want to get him into his room so I'm planning on doing that once we get a video monitor (and once he's completely over this cold). Josh's parents are buying is one for Christmas!

And also...only 1 more week of work to get through!!! I'm so done. I hate that I've quit but I still have to be there. I know I'm doing the right thing in giving 2 weeks notice...but it's miserable to be there!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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