Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sleep update

So last night wasn't as good as the previous night but it was still pretty good! He woke up once earlier in the night, maybe midnight-ish, and he fussed for a few minutes, I put his bink in and he fell right back to sleep. Then he woke up at 5 and cried quite a bit, maybe 15 mins before falling back to sleep. I just kept putting the bink back I'm and rubbing his head. Then he slept until 7:15! I was so tempted to just pick him up and nurse him at 5. I just wanted to comfort him and snuggle him, I hate to see him upset like that, but I know that would be counter productive and I know getting him to sleep thru the night is best for him and for us.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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