Thursday, December 19, 2013

4 month well check

Yesterday we had Jackson's 4 month well check! He's 15.15 lbs and 25 inches long, 60th percentile for both! And his head is 17 inches, 90th percentile! The kid has a big head! The dr said he looks great! He said we can go ahead and start solids and to start with whole grain cereal or oatmeal once a day and then start giving any/all the stage 1 foods after that! At 6 month he'll go up to eating solids twice a day. We picked up some apple sweet potato whole grain cereal and we'll probably try it Friday! We also talked about sleep. He said J should be in his room and he does not need to eat at night. He gave us a plan to achieve that. Put him to bed in his room and whenever he wakes let him cry for 30 minutes, if he's still crying go and sit next to his crib (without saying anything) for 1 minute then leave again for 30 minutes and just keep doing that. He said it'll be a really rough few nights but it's better for everyone in the long run. And to stop swaddling so he has access to his hands to self soothe. And also that at this point being swaddled will start making him mad because he needs to be able to move around. I was already thinking it was time to stop swaddling. We are going to be getting a video monitor soon so that will put my mind at ease having him in his room. We started transitioning out of the swaddle tonight, I swaddled him with 1 arm out. It's 12:50 am and he's nursing right now. He usually doesn't wake up to eat until 3-4am, I don't know if it's having 1 hand free or that he got shoots today that had him wake up earlier. He fell asleep easily though (in the rock and play). We may start this "sleep training" on Friday night or we might wait until we get the video monitor. I'll probably swaddle him with both arms out tomorrow night and then start putting him into a sleep sack at night after that! He got shots today and hated it of course. Poor little guy screamed his head off but calmed down quickly once they were over. His legs seemed sore after and he would cry if we touched where he got his shots. He just wanted to cuddle all afternoon and was a little fussy and sleepy.

*He's still in size 2 diapers and we are using and loving the up&up (target) brand diapers.
*He's wearing 3-6 months clothes and is finally wearing 3-6 month sleepers although they are still pretty big!
*He still isn't a very good napper. He'd much rather nap in someone's arms then laying down. When he does nap laying down he does best on his tummy.
*He's so aware of everything around him now and he's always looking around at everything. He loves the tv when it catches his eye and we've introduced him to cartoons (horrible I know). And he'll actually sit and watch cartoons for 15+ minutes. He kicks his feet like crazy and "talks" to the tv.
*He smiles more and more easily every day it seems.
*He's still on the brink of laughing and hasn't actually laughed out loud yet but does this smile accompanied by a coo that is adorable.
*He still loves bath time. He kicks his feet and sucks on the wash cloth and his hands. He'll probably love bath toys pretty soon! I sat him up in his tub once and he loved that! I'm considering getting him an inflatable tub I saw that he can sit up in.
*He loves sitting up and being able to look around at everything and be right in the center of the action. I need to get a cart/high chair cover because he's going to be able to sit in those pretty soon!
*He still hates tummy time and only really tolerates it when we do it on the boppy pillow.
*He loves "standing up". I'll sit on the couch with my leaf straight out on the ottoman and him sitting on my legs facing me and holding his hands, with very little pulling on my side he'll go up into the standing position and then plop back down on his butt over and over again.
*He's getting better at grabbing and holding onto toys and putting everything right into his mouth.
*He loves to eat and doesn't miss a meal! He's eating 5 oz every 3 hours when he has bottles and eats every 2-3 hours when he's being nursed. I'm so thankful I've been able to keep up with him and breast feed so far! I'm hoping we'll make it to 1 year!
*He loves his blanket! It's so funny now, he'll rub it against his face and goes to sleep easier when it's right up against his face. He's a blankie and binky baby for sure!
*He loves to "talk" and it's so adorable when we have conversations!
*He's starting to recognize me, josh and my mom and definitely showing a preference for us over strangers.
*He's still a major cuddle bug and I love it! Snuggling with him is my favorite!
*He's starting to get distracted when nursing and will often smile at me or talk to me while nursing. Often he'll suck a few times then pull of and "talk" or look around, then suck a little more then "talk"/look around and just keep doing that. It's cute and funny but sometimes I'm like come on kid just eat!

I'm so amazed by him everyday and I love watching him change and grow and learn. I look at him and I can't believe he's mine and how absolutely perfect he is. I also can't believe how completely I love this little guy, my heart is so full. I'm so lucky to be his momma.

Rubbing his blanket against his face:

Sleepy baby:

How he sleeps best:

Tired baby after his shots today:

He loves his blanky and his binky:

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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