Sunday, December 29, 2013

Night #3

Last night was Jackson's third night in his room. He fell asleep after only drinking about half his bottle and I hate to put him bed thinking he didn't get enough to eat. So josh tried to get him to finish his bottle and ended up waking him up completely. He finished his bottle while watching music videos on you tube on daddy's phone. So he was pretty awake when I put him in his crib, it was sometime between 8:30-9. And he was pissed. He cried, I went in twice to try to put his bink back in and calm him down but he wasn't having it. He cried on and off until almost 10pm when he finally fell asleep. BUT he did sleep all night and didn't wake up until 6:45am! I'm so happy he's sleeping through he night and I really hope he keeps that up! Tonight I started his bedtime routine about 15 minutes early to see if he'd finish more of his bottle but he didn't. He only finished half (in about a 45 minute time frame) so I decided that at 8 no matter how much he'd finished if he was still sleeping and not drinking it I would put him to bed. So I did. At 8 I took him and put him on his crib. He opened his eyes and looked at, I put his bink in and left the room, when I got into the bedro and turned on the monitor he was already asleep. It's now 9:30 and he's still sound asleep. I figured if he wakes up before 10pm I will give him the rest of the bottle. Doesn't look like he'll wake up and hopefully he'll sleep through the night. If he does wake up I'll feel so bad thinking he's hungry that I'll probably nurse him.

I'm torn on if I should keep getting up in the middle of the night (like 3am) to pump or not. I love the extra milk I get at that time, but I don't know if it's worth then loss of sleep. And I don't know how it's possible but I feel more tired now that he's sleeping longer then I did when I was getting up a few times a night! What the heck?!

I've been taking fenugreek to help boost my supply to keep up with him but I think it might be making his tummy hurt, so I've stopped taking it and I'm terrified that I won't be able to keep up. I'm trying to stay supper hydrated and pump/nurse extra times throughout the day to try to keep it up/boost my supply.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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