Monday, December 9, 2013


I had a really hard time going back to work and being away from Jackson so much so shortly after I went back to work we decided I would go part time. We actually decided that I would work for my husbands company, but he doesn't have an opening right now so until he does I would go part time. We looked into health insurance since I have myself and Jackson on insurance through my work and I would lose my benefits when I go part time, josh added Jackson and I to him but we're not covered on his until January 1 so we decided I would have to work full time at my work until then. Which sucks because it's retail and the holidays so I'm working so much. Well I told my manager a while (my second week back) that I wanted to go part time after the first of the year. He understood and was fine with that. Today he called me into his office since he's starting to work on schedules for after the first of the year and told me I would have to be a cashier and I will have to work Saturdays. I would work 3 days a week. Sucks (the cashier part and working Saturdays) but I could deal with that for a little while until josh has a position for me. Well I texted josh from work telling him all this and when I got home he said to give my notice tomorrow that my last day will be the 21st!!! I was shocked! He said he wants me to enjoy the holidays and actually be around for our sons first Christmas! He said we will just pay out of pocket/cobra for insurance for the rest of the month! He still doesn't have an official position for me but I'll start January 2nd and just do projects and odd jobs for him until he has an actual position for me! I'm so happy! But I'm so nervous about giving my notice tomorrow! I'm not good at conversations like that! But I know I'm doing what's best for my family, especially my son! Woohoo, only 9 more work days there!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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