Sunday, December 29, 2013

4 month pics

I finally got around to taking Jackson's 4 month pictures...10 days late, but better late then never right?!

And a comparison:

He's getting so big! And changing so much! His little personality is really starting to come out and it's getting easier and easier to get a smile from him! He LOVES to snuggle and be held but he's getting more independent and able to lay on a blanket on the floor or on the bed and "play". He's getting better at grabbing toys and of course everything goes straight into his mouth. He has laughed twice and I can't wait to hear it more and for him to giggle! He's starting to outgrow his pants so he is starting to wear size 9 month pants! Everything else is still 6 months. The white onesie he's wearing in the pics is 0-3 months. I need to buy some bigger white onesies for his monthly pics because I don't think this one will for his 5 month pics!

Here's some random pics:
Passed out last night:

After his bath tonight:

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