Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sicky baby

I caught a cold at work about 2 weeks ago and Jackson got it too. Poor baby. He only had about 2 days where he seemed really miserable. His fever got up to 99.8 and we gave him baby Tylenol during those 2 days. He's been feeling much better but is still super snotty. I try to use the bulb syringe but it wasn't working too well. I bought the nosefreida and it works a little better but still not great. I've been using saline for his nose and that helps loosen it up to get it out. I've been using Vicks baby rub to help too. And we've used the humidifier at night a few times too. Today he's been feeling pretty crummy and spitting up mucus a lot. I think it's draining into his tummy and making him feel sick. Poor boy. I just want him to get over it and feel better!

Snuggly sick baby:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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