Thursday, December 26, 2013

Video monitor

Back when Jackson was 2 months old we tried to put him into his room and I just wasn't comfortable with it yet and he was still waking up to nurse and it just wasn't the right time yet, but during those 2 or 3 nights I decided we really need a videos monitor when we do put him into his room. So Josh mentioned it to his parents and they said that they'd get it for us for Christmas! So we went to babies r us today and they got it for us. So we put it up and tonight he's in his crib! He passed out while josh was giving him his bottle, he didn't even finish his bottle, and I took him and took him into his room and put him into his crib and he didn't even wake up. He was sound asleep. So he didn't have his bink in. He slept for about 30 minutes before he woke up. He didn't cry though, he just moved around for about 30 minutes. Finally I decided to go in there and put his bink in his mouth. After that he was asleep within about 5 minutes! It's been close to 45 minutes and he's still sleeping! I'm just laying on bed writing posts (the Christmas one and this one) and watching him. It's so neat being able to see him! And the monitor is awesome! I can move the camera from the monitor screen and zoom in! It even tells us the temp in there on the screen! I have a feeling I won't get much sleep tonight! I miss my baby being within arms reach!

He slept until 3am! He woke up and started crying so I went in there to reassure him since it's his first night in there. I put his bink back in and rubbed his head for a minute. He had managed (for the second night in a row) to get his left hand out of the swaddle so I fixed that. Then I left the room. He started crying with a minute it two and he cried for 25 minutes before quieting down. He stopped crying and within 5 minutes was back asleep without his bink in!

He woke up again at 4:25 and I decided to wait 30 minutes this time (like our pedi recommended) he cried for 20 mins before falling back to sleep. The next time he wakes up I will go and nurse him. I'm hoping it's 7 or later, but I have a feeling I'll be lucky if I'm able to get even 1 more hour of sleep!

He woke up at 7. Not too horrible for the first night! Hopefully it will continue to get better over the next few nights! I'd love to get him sleeping from 8pm to 7am!

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