Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Momma's boy

Now that is getting older we're starting to see that he has a preference for me. Before, as long as he's needs we're being met, he was pretty happy. He often would prefer me, but that's because I was the food source and nursing was what he needed. We'll now when he's fussy sometimes I'm the only one he will calm down for. This happened last night. He was fussy and my mom had him while I was making dinner. He was tired and we were hoping he'd take a little nap since bedtime was still a few hours away but he just wouldn't settle no matter what my mom did. Once dinner was ready my mom told me to eat then she'd give him to me and she'd eat. So we did that. Well as soon as I took him he calmed right down. I sat where she had been sitting, in our rocking recliner chair and put him on my chest and he fell asleep. No boob needed for comfort like he used to need/want me for. He just plain and simple wanted his momma! It was so sweet! I love that he knows who I am now and that he prefers me. When I went back to work I was so scared that he would start to prefer my mom since he was spending so much time with her. There is really something special about a boy and his momma! And I love being this little guys momma. I never imagined how close the bond would be between us.
This was last night:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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