Monday, December 23, 2013


So Friday night we started sleep "training" I say "training" because mainly I just stopped feeding Jackson during the night. We also tried to transition out of the swaddle. We started with 1 arm out and he did ok. He cried for about 15 minutes before falling asleep. He woke up about 3 times and cried 15-20 minutes each time. I didn't pick him up, but the rock and play is right next to the bed so I leaned over and put in his bink and rocked him and rubbed his head and held his hand. Saturday night I swaddled him with both arms out and he just cried and cried. He kept rubbing his eyes and was so tired but just couldn't settle down do I pulled him out and re swaddled with just one arm out and he was able to go to sleep. He woke up 2-3 times and I did the same thing as the night before. Last night I was exhausted and thought maybe he just wasn't ready for us to stop swaddling, the main goal is to just getting him sleeping through the night without being fed, so I swaddled him both arms in and he fell asleep with out even fussing...and...slept until 6am without waking up (he went to sleep around 9pm)!!! Then he nursed for about 20 mins and was back to sleep in the rock and play until 8:15am! It was awesome! I'm guessing it was a fluke so we'll see how tonight goes. He's currently asleep and swaddled. I would love to get him sleeping from between 8-9 pm to 7am. For now if he wakes up anytime after 6am I'm feeding him.

Today we went and finished our Christmas shopping (me, my mom and Jackson) and we went into my work to take my gift for everyone for the 20 days of Christmas thing we do. Jackson tried on this cute little hat!

I finally pulled out some of my Christmas decorations and decorated a little bit.

I cleaned the house yesterday and moved this bookshelf to block off the kitchen (we have to block it off from our big dog but the way it was the dinning area was pretty much blocked off and no one could sit at the counter so I changed things). It might not look the best there but the extra storage it gives me is amazing! No more mail, diaper bag, purse on the counter! And baskets to collect all the other junk that piles up on the counter! I haven't put the tree up and keep going back and forth on wether or not I'm going to put it up. We don't really have the room to put it up and it just seems like a hassle at this point, but it's Jackson's first Christmas and I really want to get pictures of him by the tree....and at this point it seems like it's too late to put it up but I feel like I'll regret it if I don't. I just can't decide. I was kinda hoping josh would just get it out and put it up but that hasn't happened.

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