Thursday, January 30, 2014


Our flight left the Salt Lake City airport around 11 am. Jackson did really well! We took so much stuff though! That was the hardest part. Luckily Josh dropped us off at the airport and my mom and him took as much as they could carry, while I got Jackson out and into the carrier and then got his car seat out, into the airport and my mom stayed in there with the stuff while josh came back out and took another load of stuff. Then we went in and checked our bags, stroller and car seat. We headed to our gate and found a place to sit and I went and got something to eat while mom sat with Jackson. When I came back I looked around and picked a place I thought was kinda out of the way, only 4 seats kinda away from any other seats and no one was sitting there. So I got him settled into the carrier to nurse him and my mom went to get food for herself. Well I get started, with a blanket over Jackson, and look up and I'm pretty much on display! I can see all the people sitting in the middle area of the terminal and while they aren't close they can all see me. It was pretty funny.

The flight went really well. He only fussed a few times and briefly. He would not nurse on the plane though so I'm glad I brought bottles of pumped milk.

We got to CA and after it took forever to get the rental car we headed straight to Katharine's work to surprise her! I had booked my mom a massage with her and my mom went in and then said she thought she forgot to lock the car and then when she walked back in me and Jackson walked in behind her. Katharine was shocked. Completely and totally. She got all teary eyed and of course so did I! Katharine didn't have anyone else for the day so we went to grandmas and got our stuff unloaded. Katharine and I were going to go dinner and take J but he was do fussy and needed a nap so we left him with them and went to dinner at rattlers. When I was at dinner Kim texted me asking me to go over there to see the kids. It was getting late and had been a long day but I decided to go over there to get it over with. I love them but sometimes dealing with Kim isn't the easiest. So my mom and I went over there and hung out for a little while. Then we had to go to target to get diapers and stuff for lunch the next day. That night Jackson slept horribly. He was up at least every hour and finally at about 3am I brought him into bed with me, nursed him lying in bed and then we slept for a few hours.
Friday we had Kim, Carrie, Margaret and Tari, Greg and Judy over for lunch. We had chips and dip and cold cuts. It was really nice to sit and relax and chat with everyone. I miss family events. Jackson was good, a little fussy at times. Margaret taught us something brilliant-to sit on an exercise ball with Jackson also sitting on it right in front and bounce him. He loved it, now I need to go buy one! Great for when he's fussy. As everyone was leaving Lyly and the boys got there. She came later after the boys got out of school because they wanted to see us. We sat and chatted with her for awhile. That night me, mom and grandma took Jackson for a walk and then mom went over to a friends house. I bathed J and put him to bed and then I watched tv and chatted with grandma. It was so nice to have that time with her. I really wish we didn't live so far away so I could spend more time with her. She really loved having us there and spending time with Jackson.

On Saturday I went to target to get wrapping stuff for Cynthia's gift and Melissa's baby gift. I left J with mom and grandma. Then we got ready and went to Cynthia's party. She was SO shocked to see us! It was fun, but j got fussy as the evening wore on. I ended up getting the ergo out of the car and got him to fall asleep in that for awhile. Finally he just had a complete meltdown so we headed home. I bathed him and put him to bed. He didn't sleep great any of the nights we where there and ended up in bed with me in the early am hours.

Sunday morning we packed up and left grandmas and went and got western bagel to take to nick and Sami's. There house is really cute. They seemed (Sami specifically) not too thrilled to have us there. I'm guessing they had been fighting or something. They just weren't very welcoming and didn't seem too excited about Jackson. Jackson was really fussy and a little warm and seemed like he didn't feel good. I had had a bit of a cold and it seemed like he was getting it. My mom was getting it too. I have him some baby Tylenol and that seemed to help. Then we went to the airport. Once we got on the plane and took off I got him into the carrier and he slept the whole flight! He was fussy when we got home and josh took him and gave him a bath while I got everything unpacked.

We had a great trip! It went by way too fast. I wish I had more time to spend with my family and friends!

On the airplane:

Cousins, thumb sucking, napping is just a onesie (loved seeing him in less clothing!), and going out in short sleeves not all bundled up:

Napping, uncle Nick, more

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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