Saturday, February 1, 2014

Weight watchers

Since having J my weight hasn't budged. I haven't exactly been eating the healthiest or working so I can't be surprised, but I guess I was kinda hoping that breast feeding would help the pounds fall off. Not so much. So I signed up for weight watchers! They have an option you can choose if your breast feeding so it takes that into account when it gives you your points. I technically started this past Monday but was sort of half ass about it this week. I did ok, but not great. One of my biggest issues is my current love of Ben and Jerry's coffee health bar crunch...mmmm...but I eat the whole thing. So bad. I kept telling myself I'll only have a little, I'll make it last 3 nights...well that didn't happen. So now I've decided that every 10 pounds I loss I can treat myself to it. Hopefully looking forward to that will help me make better choices and eat healthier.

I weigh in on Fridays. I started at 212 and yesterday I was 211. My goal is to lose 2-3 lbs a week from now until the end of June when I go to carpenteria for vacation. I want to be a hot momma! Right now I'm craving sweets so bad, but I know that those cravings will go away (or at least lessen) as days go by and I'm eating healthier! Now I just need to start working out! I started a plank challenge today. Starts with 20 seconds and goes up every few days. I want to try to at least do that and some squats and upper body weights a few times a week.

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