Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Picture catch up

Wow I am way behind! Here's a pic overload!
Poor dog...he has no idea what he's in for:

Cute boy and pics with his momma:

Just waking up from a nap, big boy no longer fits in this seat, sucking his hands:

Food time!

New paci (didn't last he prefers the mam), snuggles with momma, waking up from a nap:

Cute guy, eating monkeys foot, sick baby snuggles (he had a cold)/

Poor kitty

Sippy cup:

More food, trying to fed himself:

Playtime on the floor:

Trying to get his feet during bath time, new jammies after bath time:

Loves books, spitting (trying to blow raspberries), cute face, sucking his thumb in the bath:

Sitting in the cart, first time on my back in the ergo while I made baby food since the stinker refused to nap! Cute "eligible bachelor", his new swim suit for the beach this summer!

Naked baby after bath and sucking on his toes in the bath:

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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